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Negroes Now Positing Statue of Liberty Was Originally Black

The widespread erasing of our culture has now spread to our statues and national monuments. Santa Claus is really a negroe, as it Jesus Christ and the tooth fairy but it doesn't stop there.

Organized negrodom is now positing that the original Statute of Liberty was actually a thick-lipped African and that the racist white supremacist textbooks are withholding that information to destroy the morale of all young negroes nationwide.

A website called Urban Intellectuals is chock-full of horse shit and appears to serve the sole purposes of steering gullible negroes toward the direction of getting furious with white Americans for raping "their" history.

Here is an example of their malarky.

"Did you know the Original Statue of Liberty presented to the U.S. was a Statue of a…”Black Woman”. There is a lot of history that didn’t make it into the history books for our schools. READ, get you a book and educate yourself.
A History Lesson It is hard to believe that after my many years of schooling secondary and post) the following facts about the Statue of Liberty was never taught. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people including myself have visited the Statue of Liberty over the years but yet I’m unable to find one person who knows the true history behind the Statue- amazing. Yes,amazing that so much important Black history (such as this) is hidden from us (Black and White). What makes this even worse is the fact that the current twist on history perpetuates and promotes white supremacy at the expense of Black Pride."

I should probably tell when someone tells you to "get educated" or "educate yourself" they are probably copy/pasting some a whole bunch of nonsense for propaganda purposes. The gullibility of the American negroe shall never be underestimated. They are slaves to themselves.

Glory Be Black Jeebus
They believe that whites are concealing the fact that negroes were the first on the moon, that negroes built the Egyptian pyramids, that the mythical Adam and Eve were actually Jay Z and Beyonce, soon Aristotle and Plato will be revealed to be Greco-Roman negroes. They live in a fantasy land and maybe a couple of years ago before they became so malicious I would have felt bad for them.

Just incase you are wondering, this whole nonsense stems from a few year old falsehood. The statue they are claiming is the original Lady Liberty was sculpted by a Caribbean artist in 2007. Yet, there are literally thousands of negroes out there who think that you and I are oppressing them by hiding the "fact" that she was really colored and the statue was meant as a tribute to enslaved blacks.

The irony of negroes living in America, the undeniable best place for negroes to live on planet Earth, who are the benefactors of decades of pandering is quite jaw-dropping. Free education, living expenses paid. Access to free food and medicine, internet and cellphone. None of it is enough for them and it will not be good enough until they get to exercise a Jean Jacques Dessaline style of rule over us all.

And they wonder why whites have the impression that they are stupid. Keep hope alive.

Why I Still Don't Feel Bad Over the Charleston Killings

We're at  the two week mark of the Charleston Church killings by Dylann Roof and for some reason or another I cannot find a shred of sympathy within me.

I have seen the funeral of the pastor, I've seen the vigils outside the church, I've seen the media frenzy and fallout targeting white history and the Confederate flag and one single solitary tear has yet to fill my eye.

As recent as two years ago I would have said something along the lines of "this is such an awful tragedy and no solution to our problems. I so badly feel for the victims and their families."

Now, not so much. The fact of the matter is that I do not feel bad for the families. I do not feel bad for anyone at all and I'm not going to be politically correct and dishonest about how I feel. What's the sense in that?

To keep the FBI from monitoring me? To keep the verminous Jewish organizations from saying that deep down I am really thrilled 9 negroes were massacred and I'm just putting up a sympathy facade? They're doing these things already and will continue doing this regardless of what I write. It makes us no stronger to say how awful we feel. In fact it puts us in a weaker position socially to constantly wear faux emotions on our sleeves to be compliant adherents to the "cultural enrichment" manifesto.

Is this all today that I somehow feel elated that 9 church going coloreds were massacred? Nope. But you're going to think that already so go ahead and do it. I do not give a rat's ass. Is the world a better place now that Dylann Roof has erased three quarters of a dozen Bible scholars? Nope.

But I cannot bring myself to feel sorry or sympathetic.

I have sit back for the last three years and watched this country deteriorate because of political
correctness, kowtowing to feral negroe protestors, and "ambitious" political hacks in the judicial system as well as in local and national governments.

The "Negro Fiction" has anesthetized me to having a shred of compassion for the social scum of our day. The angelification of Trayvon Martin, the canonization of Michael Brown, the worship of gutter garbage Freddie Gray and Eric Garner has pushed me over the edge to realizing that we can no longer live in a society with these lifelong victims whose sole purpose is to get gains from our losses.  For over 50 years they have had an opportunity to allow us to judge them by the "content of their character" as Michael King Jr. and they have dropped the ball.

Don't confuse this with somehow rooting for police to kill these people. Don't confuse this with satisfaction over their deaths.

But lets be real, can anyone argue that the world is not a better place without the Mike Brown's of the world off the street? We saw his impulsive nature on CCTV and it was a matter of time before he exercised his impulse by raping one of our daughters. That's just an inconvenient truth.

Why should I feel bad over this situation? Why should I view it as a tragedy?

Just look at how the media has vilified Kyle Rogers for pointing out the fact that negroes are butchering whites on a daily basis, invading our homes, violating our person both sexually and financially. Jake Taper, Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow and the rest of the marionettes of the Jewish state sponsored media speak now word of the silent genocide of our people.

Maybe when it reaches the point when negroes are subtracting more whites from the world than whites are bringing into the world we can get a small 2x2 inch article in the New York Times. Until then, I shed no tears and I'm not going to lie about it to fixate my lips on the posterior of political correctness.

HuffPost Jew Tells You "White Identity Offers Nothing"

It is time for you to ask yourself a very serious question: Why are Jews, the "chosen people of god" at the forefront of and so obsessed with marginalizing and castigating white, pan-European identity at every opportunity?

Seriously. Almost all subversive communist organizations have Jewish leadership, were funded by
Jews, have Jews working for them, or are funded by Jewish shekels. What is their major obsession with the erasing of white Western civilization? Why do they go to every length to promulgate the notions of "white privilege" and other asinine destructive pseudosociological piles of horse dung?

The only answer I can think of is that they hate us cause they ain't us. Their long history of subversiveness, usury, and parasitism is a part of their "Jewish Identity." Whites have been conquerors, innovators, builders, explorers, artists, discoverers and so much more. What have Jews done besides be rabble rousers, inventing the cost of money, manipulating economies, creating the grievance industry, destroying Westernized cultures with immigration, pornography, and minimalizing the contributions of the White Western Man?

The only thing saving the Jews from expulsion at this point is the American Southern Christ-tards who unequivocally stand "with Is'ril" like Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, John Hagee and the other Christian Zionists.

That brings us to the newest Jew was must all watch closely: Ian Reifowitz.

Reifowitz in his Huffington Post article writes:

"Although Dylann Roof is apparently an extreme example, we do have an identity crisis among many white Americans. This is particularly true for those whose families have lost a connection to any ancestral, ethnic heritage. When they ask themselves, "What am I?," the answer "white" carries little to nothing in terms of sustaining, nourishing content."

He goes on to write:
"What if, instead of the emptiness that whiteness offers, whites -- along with everyone else in this country -- identified in a meaningful way as members of the American community? What if we made a real effort to cultivate not merely patriotism -- which is a bond between the individual and the state -- but an inclusive sense of Americanness that connects individual Americans to one another? This collective feeling must be built around an idea of America and a narrative of our story that truly reflects the experiences of Americans of every background."

That's right, White people offer nothing, emptiness. We should embrace the violence that feral negroes in Baltimore, Ferguson, and other "diverse" cities across the country offer us. We should engage in the inter-family rape that South Americans engage in while eating the diet of domesticated animals of the far East.

The real question here is: why is it that only America and other nominally "White countries" are cultural organisms constantly evolving? Nobody tells Iranians or Saudi Arabians that they must import millions of immigrants of a different race, culture, and ethnicity and adapt to the experience of them. Nobody tells Israel to adapt to the culture and customs of Ethiopians and other Africans who are residing within Israel.

In the case of America, I can only assume that this goes back to notion of America being a land of immigrants when in fact it is a land of citizens. Immigrant is not something that is inherited, it is something that dies in the immigrating generation. I, for example who have ancestors dating back to the late 1800's, am not an immigrant. The part of my ancestral lineage that immigrated here were immigrants and guess what: they were expected to conform to the American tradition of that time.

The Jews are continuing their full-court press against the white West. It is them and only them along with their university indoctrinated, not educated, useful pot-smoking Goyim. You must point out who is doing this to us.

I Have An Idea of Who Is Burning Down "Black Churches"

Since the killings in Charleston by Confederate flag appreciating Dylann Roof, there have been six
"black churches" that been set ablaze and I have a good idea of who is doing it.

Anti-white media, academia, and professional victims are in full force following the killings in the name of black-on-white rape, crime, and terrorism. The media is on a a full court press to erase whites, our culture, and our history from existence. The most common tool they the erasers of the Western World deploy is portraying harmless and socially functional whites as terrorists and negroes as lovely socialized individuals. 

So who is burning the churches? I have an idea...

I firmly believe that the Jews and their subversive organizations are committing the arson of these "black churches" in an attempt to reign in more shekels through their fundraising appeals. These are for profit non-profit organizations that invest cash in off shore bank accounts to accumulate interest and expand their wealth.

The only other suggestion I can offer as to who is doing it may be equally possible and that is down trodden negroes who operate the churches themselves. The only apprehension I have to putting this theory first is the seeming organization of these fires. One church is unfortunate, two is a coincidence, three is a conspiracy. It is entirely possible that one negroe pastor set his church on fire to claim insurance for renovations and to solicit more donations and then another one said it was a great idea and did it himself and so the dominoes fell. 

Recall that this behavior is not without precedent. Negroes has been creating negro fiction hoaxes for quite a while. Here are just a few examples: 

There are endless more.

Carpet munchers and butt pirates do this too: Story one,  story two, story three, story four.
As do Islamists: Story one, story two, story three.

The fact of the matter is that White people simply do not do these kinds of things. At least not at the rate that negroes fake these "hate incidents." The worst part of this whole interracial hate crime dynamic is that should a white person have been frame for these crimes they would have likely been subject to federal hate crime statutes and spent nearly 30-40 years in prison whereas the hate hoaxers often get off with a slap on the wrist. 

So don't hold your breath worrying that a white person is running around burning down "black churches" because they aren't. This is what we call fundraising via self-imposed arson.

Donald Trump: Now The Perfect Face of Angry White America

The Great White Hope
On Monday June 29th 2015, Donald J. Trump was welcomed into an exclusive club: the fired
white male against political correctness and colonization of America club.

Trump was recently "fired" from NBC after pointing out the quality of immigrants from south of the American border to be subpar. The majority of them suck and they do not offer our society all that much outside of cheap labor for the Jewish supremacist hyper-capitalist class. NBC didn't quite like the Donald's comments so they went ahead and cancelled his "Miss America" pageant and will presumably no longer work with him on hit show "The Apprentice."

There was much concern over the legitimacy of his campaign since the Apprentice is figured to soon work its way back into NBC's primetime lineup. Was this whole campaign a farce to get more publicity? Well now that doesn't matter. NBC just did white America a bigger favor than it realizes.

Now the Donald doesn't have to worry about the Apprentice franchise. He is free to represent the angry, jobless, and overcome white American in the 2016 election and the best part is that we don't have to give him a dime. The only question now is whether or not Donald will become wise to the Jews who axed him, but I won't hold my breath because that would be asking too much.

It's okay guys. Better days are ahead.
Many white people lose their livelihood every day for not embracing negroes beating, raping, robbing, murdering our people as well as not appreciating the full out colonization of our country by mestizos from the sewer of Mexico. While Trump won't be standing in any bread lines anytime soon, he is perfectly representative of the plight of the American white male. He was screwed by the Jews for being a sensible American white male.

He's also getting screwed by the media who constantly looks at him as some type of joke using the Presidency as some type of advertising platform. I may have agreed with this but I now wholeheartedly endorsed Trump but now he has nothing to lose. His Jewish ties are drying up and the more they dry up the better it is for us.  They look at him as illegitimate because they are terrified of him. The erasers of us and our civilization know that someone with Donald Trump's platform of ejecting third worlders and bettering the economic climate for the remaining whites is the Jewish nightmare.

All of the dispossessed white males who didn't vote in the past two elections might just have someone to vote for in 2016. None of that will matter if Trump is a hyper capitalize who kicks the can of America's impending collapse down the road. We need someone who will give us a fresh start.

We shouldn't expect Trump to go much further with his anti-PC rhetoric. Expect the nothing and hope for the best. As those Kosher Konnections disappear who knows how far he will take it especially with hot microphone in front of his face.

The Trump warpath has just begun. He is a political candidate like most of us have never seen before.

Why the Nationwide Legalization of Gay Marriage is a Faaabulous Thing For White Society!

On Friday June the 26th in the year 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that it is a constitutional right for two men who penetrate each other's rectums and women who insert battery operated devices in each other to have the option of being married.

Here is why it is an unequivocally fantastic thing:
Pandora's Box

Those who engage in unsanitary sex now get to shut up. They won, they got their gay marriage!

I am as repulsed by homosexual behavior as anyone else who is not on SSRI's or has been socially beaten into being appreciative of the marvelousness of anal penetration, but at the end of the day two men buggering one another or two women scissoring has zero impact on my life. It does not effect the union my wife and I have after over a decade of adhering to our vows to one another.

So how else is it a great thing?

Furthermore, it is a great thing because now we have the opportunity going forward to prove to the world we were right all along. For years people like you and I have been warning others that the legalization and normalization of homosexual marriage and homosexual behavior would open pandora's box and open the avenues to all kinds of sexual immorality and the eventual targeting of our children by sexual predators.

Mark down the day, today, that you were warned that Greek civilization was the origin of child sodomy and it has been a tradition dating back to prehistoric times. We already see the provoked and premature sexualization of America's young with the transvestite experiments in elementary school classrooms. Education edicts determined the youth of our society must be told they need not conform to sexual normality whether it be roles, behavior or otherwise traditional sexuality.

Deep at the root of the thirty year long homosexual marriage debate has been the development of a political victim class. America indeed has a class system but a class system of victims. Fragmented social minorities classified by sexual fetishes, diets, and the increasingly popular "gender identity." America-- for all intents and purposes-- has become a social freak show.

The buck doesn't stop here! Who will be the next victim class? The newly defined "minor-attracted individuals?" Will the argument be made that child rapists no longer have to register as a sex offender since they already paid their debt to society through their incarceration?

We're right. We knew it all along. It needs to be contextualized. An apparent loss is a genuine victory upon further meditation. Millions will be wasted challenging the constitutionality of the most recent SCOTUS ruling and to no avail. But we, we've already won.

Polite white society is being erased one stroke at a time and one institution at a time.

Just wait and watch it all come crashing down.

Why Blacks Are Allowed "Black Churches" and Awards but Whites Are Not

When the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston South Carolina was the venue of a racial massacre a phrase was repeatedly referenced in the media. "Historically Black Church."

The same notion is pushed with places like colleges. We have all heard about the "historically Black College Howard University" when the Jews in the media are promoting the one negro in the country getting accepted to multiple Ivy League schools.

American negroes are expected to have these places of sanctuary all to themselves to protect them from their "white oppressors." They need "safe spaces" as per the progressive jargon. But what if I asked you why are there no "safe spaces" for whites in America?

If you are White male who enjoys rectal sex, then it's okay!
Lets not say mansions and gated communities are safe spaces, because while they are appealing,
access behind the gates is extremely limited and certainly not available to the white working class.

What about historical "safe spaces" like private drinking fountains where white women can consume water without being sexually accosted? Is not America as we knew it a "historically white place?"

Why are coloreds in America allowed safe spaces?

It is simple. What is up is down in America. Coloreds are our cute and cuddly pets with big round eyes of love and affections. Whites are fire breathing demons who spend every waking moment plotting on how to undermine the brilliance of the American racial underclass.

Coloreds are exhibit the utmost responsibility in their finances, employment, sexuality, familial matters, law compliance. Whites on the other hand are violent terrorists who take every opportunity to exercise ruthlessness and menace the hard working colored underclass that supports them.

All one has to do is view the 24-hour news cycle to see who really needs a "safe space" to retreat and live their hours in comfort.

White business owners who create jobs, provide services, and distribute goods deserve the most humane right of safety, especially during their work. The white taxpayer unassumingly walking home from a 10-15 hour shift deserves the sanctuary of not being sucker-punched square in the face.

Sunday night was the 14th annual BET Awards. A Jewish/Viacom owned station dedicated entirely to negro entertainment. This begs the question, why does this exist in 2015 America?

Those opposed to us will claim the reason it exists is because coloreds did not have access to mainstream award shows like the Academy and Grammy award shows. Now you cannot turn on a pop station without being inundated with awfully orchestrated digital noise with profane sexual lyrics that is primarily performed by negroes; and produced by Jews of course.

So lets recap.

Negroes have access to negro only or negro dominated institutions like churches, schools, professional organizations while also having access, to or even arguable taking over, racially undenominational institutions like award shows, churches, schools and organizations.

As civilized white society is coerced into becoming more racially inclusive (read: allowing or being forced to allow negroes to take over and demand discrimination within our historic spaces) negroes are permitted to become more and more racially exclusive. Get that, we must bend over backwards to accommodate their access to our places which in effect disallows us our own private space.

The reason this is the case is spelled out in the Tweets, Tumblr blogs, and YouTube videos of any
social justice warrior on the internet: they have an undying desire to "deconstruct the system of white supremacy" which should read: reducing white people to a level of non-existence.

There is no system of "white supremacy" because white people rule white social systems in majority or exclusively white political and geographical areas.  Nobody, for example, would say there is Japanese supremacy in Japan because it is universally accepted and understood that Japan is a Japanese country and the award shows will consist of Japanese performers, the government will be governed by Japanese politicians and so on. Then again, the SJW's are starting the whole "Japan needs immigrants" schtick that we in the West are all too familiar with.

American whites need safe spaces more than American negroes do. American negroes are not being terrorized on a daily basis by angry white mobs or getting filmed while getting beaten up in the street, or being forced through economic terrorism to conform to state sponsored cultural pluralism.
White people are.

The game of identity politics is being played with loaded dice.

Kyle Rogers: A Benign American Maverick & His Effect on Our News

In a day in age where feelings come before facts and social convenience comes before social honesty, Kyle Rogers is blazing through the "time of universal deceit."

Perhaps the tackiest thing of them all is the overuse of a particular quote. They end up on t-shirts, buttons, website banners, and sometimes even on people's skin as ink. But every now and then a quote can be put in its proper context and the time for a famous Orwell quote has never been more appropriate.

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Race revolution? 

Wow, imagine that! Imagine doing nothing more than pointing out inconvenient facts, with next to no opinionated inflammation, coming under such intense scrutiny that your image becomes recognizable by millions worldwide in one news cycle.

That is what happened to Kyle Rogers, a leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens and the webmaster behind Conservative Headlines. Rogers, so benign in actions, could even be accused of lazy journalism for literally writing next to nothing on so many his posts and merely just linking to an embedded video. That is the "revolutionary act" Orwell warned us about. 

Is Rogers' headline "CNN host confesses: PC has become dangerous" any less controversial or true than another headline "Racially motivated attempted murder in Pleasant Ridge, Ohio?" 

The answer is no. The answer is no because both are factual statements and thus not controversial headlines. Don Lemon did allude to political correctness becoming dangerous and a Black male did attempt to murder a White person in what is undeniably a racially motivated attack. 

Rogers is a source of contextualized information. Many of times the Jewish-controlled media will omit the race of perpetrators and victims in violent crime news coverage. With the advent of independent internet journalism black-on-white crime still goes unreported because of the small town news crime reports without names or pictures. Kyle highlights many of the national crimes and still cannot get to them all through no fault of his own. 

The fact of the matter is that Kyle Rogers is being used as a patsy by the social justice warriors and erasers of our culture and existence. The internet is the last bastion of untampered free-speech that breaks through media monopolies to disseminate contextualized information to otherwise unaware readers. Pandora's box has been busted wide open and the media is going to use Kyle as its test case to shut it all down. 

Independent internet news contextualization will now be viewed as that "dirty part of the web" that has "no place in the twenty-first century" and be subject to regulation and even suspension as we are seeing with the Confederate flag. Just as the flag is being erased along with our existence, so will the reporting of the savage attacks against our people at the hands of black miscreants who continue to terrorize us. 

Have no doubt, every time a colored reprobate murders, rapes, robs one of our own they are doing it specifically because the domesticated white American poses no resistance, no threat, no obstacle to their ongoing terrorism and need for immediate satisfaction. That alone makes it racially motivated. 

Twenty-first century America needs Kyle Rogers. American Whites need Kyle Rogers. The benign revolution of information needs Kyle Rogers.