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How The Jews Ruined American Icon Hulk Hogan

Lets make this a short and simple blog on how the rat faced Jew ruined American icon, hero to many
Hulk Hogan.

First we must acknowledge who Gawker, a filth rat-faced Jew website. It has many wings including a gossip wing, a sports wing, and a technology wing amongst others.

Gawker was founded by son of (of course) MUH HOLOCAUST victims Nick Denton, a Hungarian Jew. Elizabeth Spiers is credited as the cofounder who writes for far left hypocrite rag Salon who is also believed to be a Jew. Next up is the current editor in the interim Leah Beckmann, who is of course, you guessed it: A JEW.

After his son made someone a vegetable in a car wreck, after his wife divorced him and took 75% or more of his net worth, in late 2012 a video of Hulk Hogan having sex with shock jock Bubba the Love Sponge's wife. Hogan then pursued a $100,000,000 lawsuit against Gawker for their sick Jew illegal voyeurism.

Guess what? They we're going to lose and this hit to their finances would undoubtedly put Gawker out of business once and for all. They're only worth about $40MM according to most estimates.

So what do the rat faced vermin do? They go "OYYYY VEY! *rub hands together* Lets make that Goy and well known born-again Christian Hulk Hogan into a racist!"

Some how some way, it came up that the Hulkster did not necessarily want his daughter marrying a Negroid. He said if it had to be one it should be a 8 foot fall one with 100 million dollars.

So lets boil it all down for you here nice and simply. The Jews were deceitful and disgusting. They committed a serious breach of someone's personal intimate moments. They were going to lose and close up shop for good so they did what they do best and dug into Hogan's personal life and revealed that he isn't totally interested in cucking his blonde haired White daughter to one of the Jews' Negroid pets.

Now what is going to happen is Hogan will lose all of his contracts, America will completely lose its mind for two weeks like they did over Paula Deen, and Hogan's reputation as a racist will get the Jews at Gawker off scot free on to ruin the lives of other White Goyim.

The end.

Axed & Erased By PC Police for "N-Word": American Icon Hulk Hogan

It appears those who want to erase your childhood heros like Spiderman as a White heterosexual, Thor as a White god, and Superman along with a bunch of others have not targeted super famous former wrestler Hulk Hogan.

Its trending on Twitter and Facebook that Hulk Hogan allegedly went on a "racial tirade" and used the "N-Word" which of course, is Nigger.

The only video that has surfaced is a video of the "Real American" American Icon Hulk Hogan recounting a story on what sounds to be a satellite radio show. The story goes like this..

Does that constitute a "racial tirade" to you?

The story Hogan tells is quite a famous one. WWE wrestler (and I don't think this was WWE so I need to brush up on my wrestling knowledge) Booker T said "Hulk Hogan, I'm comin' for you nigga" in one of what could only be described as exactly what we expect from big, roided up wrestlers talking.

So lets get this straight.. It appears the PC police and the Erasers of the White world have gone for Hulk Hogan based on a simply silly story he told on a satellite radio program (which is said to be from years ago) when asked by a Negro host. It didn't appear the Negro host had any problem with it, even laughing several times during the show. The most famous wrestler of all time who created so much money and appeal for the wrestling industry is now gone, erased.

Oh and by the way, will WWE target their own owner, Vince McMahon?

When they scrub the above video, click here for it. 

My view: there is no way that is the video that got the Hulkster fired. I just refuse to believe that Political Correctness is that oppressive. There has to be a video some where of him actually going on a "racial tirade" that we just haven't seen yet.

UPDATE 10:04 AM:

It turns out according to the National Enquirer Hogan was not fond of his daughter marrying a Negro. He repeatedly used the "N Word" in a conversation which was private and is only now being released because wholly Jewish-run gossip tabloid Gawker released a sex tape of Hogan. Hogan is suing Gawker and somehow Hogan's concern over his daughter getting Nicole Brown'd is relevant to a rat faced Jew vermin website exploiting his personal intimate affairs.

The 5 Types of White Cuckservatives

Johnny the Drunk didn't inhale, though.
The term "Cuckservative" has blasted upon the scene of the alternative right wing circuit.

The term is a well needed one given the status of modern conservatism. There are those freaks in the Evangelical wing who are obsessed with legislating people's sexual practices and the Neo-Conservative wing who are obsessed with sending young men to war on behalf of Israel's interests. On the outside of traditional conservative circles is a younger, vibrant and more modern conservative wing that is more fiscally and genetically responsible and less socially intrusive. They are those who an understanding that two repugnant men "marrying" one another is not going to induce a lake of fire and is a problem that can be dealt with later on.

To put it plainly the anti-Cucks are aggressive and unapologetic nationalist types who refuse to go along with the status quote Republican Party view of Conservatism.

Let us now take the time to identify five of the primary types of White Cuckservatives.

1. Those Who Oppose Abortion Using
Negroid Statistical Justification
But like, muh black peeoplez!
You know exactly the type. They are the kind of assholes who are mostly White and stand outside of the local Planned Parenthood office screaming that more little Negroes were aborted than born in New York City. These are the kinds of people who probably should have been swallowed before conception, if you get what I'm saying. They care more about Black fetuses being vacuumed than they do the White race being economically and socially terrorized and genocided. As disgusting of a procedure abortion is, the least immoral thing about it is that it is keeping the Negro underclass from a major population explosion. That should read: one of the magnificent things about abortion is that is keeps crime and welfare spending down by limiting the amount of out-of-wedlock and unplanned Black children from being born.

Lets be real, it's not "Black Genocide," it's proactive crime control.

2. Those Who Adopt Non-White Babies.

One of the sacraments of diversity is that "thou must prove thou isn't racist by importing little nigglins with cleft palates."

Case and point: the family of 2012 GOP nominee for President Mitt Romney. The guy's Christmas card picture was a beaming example of what every White family should aim to be, a frame-to-frame picture full of beautiful White people. That was until the Romney family celebrated their beating at the hands of Barack Hussein Obama by adopting Nig Romney, the little boy pictured above. Seriously, Mitt? How long until he is muh-dikking one of your granddaughters? 

They aren't little and cute forever!

3. Those Who Say "The Democrats Were the Part of the KKK!"

Oh yes, you know these types too! They are the ones who think they are clever by pulling out long time Cuckservative line "well, the GOP isn't racist because the Democrat party is the one that gave birth to the Ku Klux Klan." Oh oh my do they think they are so smart for pointing out something that while technically true, politically inaccurate. We all know that between last 19th and early 20th century the Democrat party took a complete about face on most of its traditional principles. Many southern Democrats became Republicans and vice versa. So stop your horse shit, you petty cuckservatives and stand up for the White man who votes for you! These are also the people that groan on about how Michael King Jr., a documented communist revolutionary pretending to be Martin Luther King Jr., was a conservative and a registered Republican.

4.  The Ones Who Allow Their Daughters to Marry Pot-Smoking Rastafarian's

You see that White female getting ready to enter in the institution of "Holy Matrimony" with the Rasta with the dreads going down past his ass? That's Lindsay Boehner, Speaker of the House John Boehner's daughter. Boehner, a notorious alcoholic and certified Cuckservative who spends more time kissing the rear end of certified anti-White Barack Obama than standing up for the White constituency who is staunchly against mass non-White immigration. Boehner is the Cuckservative of all Cuckservatives.
Any White man who walks his White daughter down the aisle to forever be in union with a barely employed pot-smoking loser is NOT a conservative by any definition of the word.

5. The Ones Who Want a Browner America.
The Only White in his family, including the dog.
Remember when fat sloth and Wall St. darling Jeb Bush said that illegal immigration is an act of love? Well that was the moment he became an undeniable White Cuckservative. Bush is so anti-White that he felt it necessary to have children that look nothing like him because they are brown-skinned. He married a Mexican immigrant Columba Gallo who so far as we know has never held a job in her entire life. They gave birth to three non-White children of whom one, George P. Bush went on into a life of politics after a light military career. Bush is the kind of "Conservative" who is for importing hordes of non-Whites into America and leaving the southern American border wide open. 

He's also a media darling. He is the media declared defacto Republican candidate for President in 2016. They'd love nothing more than to have the Bush or Clinton dynasty continue to show White middle America that there are two classes of Americans, the political ruling class and everyone else.

Did I miss a particular genre of Cuckservative? Let me know in the comments below!

Cartoon Corner: The Anatomy of a False Racial Crisis, Din Do Nuffins Edition

Not much to say here.

"African Americans:" 5 Ways They are a Public Safety Hazard

In the comments section of a recent article "10 Things That Would Instantly Happen If All Negroes Left America" we had a racial White knight female talking about her "African American" pals. I can only assume that she is one of those people that has a husband who enjoys wigging his jigger to watching her with her Black boyfriend. These people do exist. There is no other way to explain their apologism for the hazardous Black race.

So even though the ten cited reasons were not enough for the Black apologist crowd, we're going to include five more reasons that "African Americans" are a public safety hazard.

1. They Are Destructive
It seems as though they literally go out of their way to ruin and destroy everything. There is a new stupid trend of Negroids shouting "Squad, put 'em in duh cawfin" while putting their hands over their chest, jumping in the air and throwing themselves on top of the hood of a person's vehicle. Who does that shit? Why do they think it is okay to ruin the property of other people? Why do they do the same thing to supermarket displays? Why do they randomly slap the posteriors of shoppers in markets? Why do they grab the ankles of someone defecating in the stall next to them? Why do they smoke drugs and scream in public stores and restaurants? Why do they menace White people going about their day by calling them "bitches?" Why are they a living tornado that creates a path of destruction no matter where they go or what they do? And for the SJW's looking to retort, I can include THOUSANDS of these types of TNB videos. Don't tempt me because that'll be my next post. I will dedicate to posting at least 250 videos of this savage behavior.

2. They Carry STD's At an Astronomical Rate.
Buh like, muh-dik.
Negroes are 4 times more likely to have the AIDS virus, are 7 out of 10 Gonorrhea patients, are 11 times more likely to have Chlamydia than White men, and 12.3 times more likely to have Syphilis. Here is your source for that information.
As if you needed any more of a reason to not burn the coal, you're almost guaranteed to pay the toll if you burn it enough. Imagine that, if you know 16 Negro men, the chance is that at least one of them will contract HIV AIDS during their life. We aren't even counting the rates of TB and Hepatitis which are awful diseases in their own respect.

3. Their Gang Presences Creates Other
Racialized Gangs.
About less than 10 percent, depending on the year, of gang members are White. Black gangs are a way out of "duh hood" and into a life of slinging drugs and illegal firearms. Mestizos, or as the chart calls them "Hispanic or Latino," represent the largest part of America's youth population and often serve as a funnel for international drug trafficking rings. All races are effected by drugs but the fact that these gangs exists is largely due to Hispanics living in low income, predominantly Negro areas with gang affiliations. Then, as a matter of survival and lack of economic opportunity because corporations and small businesses do not want to invest in Black ghettos, they are recruited into these gangs. If these Black gangs ceased to exist there would arguably be a decrease in Hispanic gang members according to logic. What's the point of one sports team existing if they have no competition. Similarly, what is the point of the Mestizo gangs existing if they are not rivaling other racial gangs. You can see in the chart below that almost every time there was an increase in either the Mestizo or Negro gangs, the other decreased. As more recruits were made, more were killed. Plain and simple. 

For the record, this analysis is not to suggest that drug rings would cease to exist if all Negroid gangs disappeared. 

4. They Create Fake Rage but Real Violence 

Along with the rat-faced Jew media, Negroes create a culture of false rage by honoring saints of the Newport and 40oz movement like Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Freddie Gray. The only reason that a reasonable person can conclude they take such obviously appropriate actions taken by White police and turn it into literally burning entire cities down is because they need a reason to express their carnal violent tendencies. If there were no Mike Brown, they'd have to suppress their rage and violent urges and pretend to be human. This is a public safety hazard because now White police across the country are allowing feral animals like Brown and Gray to go along and commit their crimes without police interference because they are afraid if they interfere, they'll be the next White cop being tried by the Jewish controlled media. This, as a whole, makes society less safe.

The only question now is: how long until it comes to YOUR city. 

5. They are Susceptible to Jewish
Pseudo Social Science.

 If you don't know who he is, you're a good goyim.
Although modern Whites in universities are also getting brain polluted at a rapid pace, Negroid Americans of the "Black Twitter" universe that are being educated in colleges they should not even have been admitted to in the first place are far more susceptible to Jewish propaganda. The Jews started the Civil Rights (read: extra rights) Movement and spent decades convincing Negroes and some White idiots that diversity is our greatest strength and that Negroes are equal to in every way and carbon copies of Whites. Now, the Jews are the masters at promoting the nonsense of "White privilege" and malarkey concepts like "structural/systemic racism" that make Negroes feel like there is an evil White male holding them back, not their genetic aptitudes. They are taking this nonsense and creating false racial rage like those mentioned in the examples in point four. This is the result of Jewish professor indoctrination.

How do you like that, SJW's? And for the rest of you, let me know what I missed out on in the comment section below!

This Picture Shows Clearly Why You Should Never See a Negro Doctor

"But like, not all Blacks are N*iggers! There are Black doctors, accountants, dentists, CEO's and so many other professions that are not your common street shit!"
Buh like, imma good apfrikin merinkin!
If you were given $10 every time you heard the quote above or something close to it, how rich would you be?

That's exactly what I thought!

Your average Negro in a respectable professional position is only there because they were accepted over a more qualified non-Black person. Let me break this down for you more simply before you see the disturbing graphic below.

Imagine that you and a bunch of different people of every race wanted to go to a concert at your local arena. Imagine that in order for you, the White person to get in you needed to pay $8 more than your Negro fellow concert goer.  Your Mexican pay had to pay $4 more than your average negro, your Asian comrade had to pay $6 more than the average negro. Is that fair?

Well just imagine the preceding principle being applied but in a much, much more serious situation than a concert. Imagine that "Docktor Leroy Jamal Jenkins" was admitted into Medical school with lesser scores, abilities, and genetic aptitudes than everyone else simple because he is a Negro. 

All, ALL negroes are guilty of this whether it be by directly benefiting from this or by being a part of the larger Negroid race. They are just erasing us from professions of prestige.

Never trust a Negro doctor because your life literally depends on it. Here is why:

Click to Enlarge.

This is What a Negro Says Politically Correctness Is; White Privilege Alert

VeronicaJade20 is an "African American" (LMFAO) who likes to explain that the reason White
people resent political correctness so much is because it is zapping their "White Privilege" powers. You know, don't hit the almighty negroid right in the feels, they bruise easily...

She took to a video of a comedy sketch on YouTube that most people, before Obama's reign, found funny and belly-ached about how "racist tards" Whites are "sociopaths" who do not exhibit common decency to "African Americans" (LMFAO). It's a fat White comedic actor, a poor man's Chris Farley named Artie Lange, portraying a Black mother who smokes menthols.

Here is her near award winning articulation of political correctness:

And “Political Correctness” is a reactionary term against the loss of privilege. For some reason, the term ‘politically incorrect’ managed to survive the 90's, while the term that appropriately describes this empty-headed, uncivilized, destructive, anti-social behavior for exactly what it is- 'human rights backlash’ - did not. Hmmm. I wonder why.::Eyeroll::It's simple: It’s about exhibiting basic human decency towards people, instead of caricaturing them as sub-human. It's about not being yet ANOTHER white sociopath that no one can stand because you behave like an uncivilized, socially maladjusted imbecile who's WHITE TRASH FAMILY taught you nothing about having any class or basic manners. Grow up, racist tards.
Butt-hurt much, Veronica?

What the reign of Negro rule in Amerika entails is an overarching Black supremacy. They expect Whites to lean over and bow to the almighty Negroid and be overly polite. Not only are we well on our way to the full-out genocide of American Whites, they want us to be "decent" towards Negroes the race who runs around raping 80-year-old women, wiping their boon bottoms with the American Flag that has represented the best life a dark-skinned person, and beating White men in the streets while recording it.

"Empowered Womyn" like Veronica are simply angry. Negro men hardly want anything outside of one time sexual encounters with them. It is also just a widely accepted fact that Negress women are the lowest on the totem pole of attractiveness. Meh, maybe not a fact; but if you had everyone create a list of the best looking race of women, Negroid women with the broad jaws, steak lips, and out-of-control hair would be way at the bottom. They are the angry Black women.

On the average, Negroes are menaces, obtrusive, and overly aggressive. Your entire race creates a net loss to society socially, morally and economically. WE-OWE-YOU-NOTHING. We mustn't not capitulate to their cries of "but lik muh feelinz!" Screw them and screw you, Veronica.

Why and How "Zoey Tur" is Actually Pretty Interesting & Documented America's Anti-Whiteness

Source: https://twitter.com/ZoeyTur
It is well known by now that "Transgender Woman" Zoey Tur is facing possible criminal charges for "her" battering of and threats toward Ben Shapiro of Breitbart.com. Ben is one of those people who has a major thorn of logic in the side of the loony left. "She" decided to put "her" paws around the neck of Shapiro after he called "her" sir.

Transsexualism isn't something that particularly interests me but it is constantly in the news, so I decided to look into Zoey Tur a little bit further. Mostly for the always shocking before and after pictures.

But before I did that I spent about 10 Tweets on my Twitter account, which you can access on the right sidebar of this page, to poke fun at the growingly infamous Zoey. Here is a collection of some of my jabs at the "former man."

Feel free to catalogue those, looney left.

It was then Zoey started replying to me and with a good sense of humor, because after all nobody can really take this kind of insanity seriously or at the very lease consider it anything more than a major type of dissociative personality disorder. 

"She" told me that "she" had "her" male genitals removed and that she would have sent them to Ben Shapiro. That earned a laugh."She" also replied to about 3 more of my Tweets and wasn't particularly nasty considering how aggressive I was in mocking "her" absurd appearance.

Aside from the mutilation of genitals, the most shocking thing was yet to be discovered.

Step one was finding out what "Zoey Tur's" name was prior to having his dick split. Step two was finding out what he looked like. Step three was finding out why anybody gives a Philadelphia flying fuck about who he/she was/is.  Thankfully, Google makes it all possible to do this at the late hour of 1AM.
Source: http://a.scpr.org/

It turns out that the now Zoey was Bob Tur, a respected award winning helicopter journalist who actually deserves all of our respect for his incredible job in capturing some of the most racially charged, anti-White moments in American history.

Bob is best known for capturing the infamous OJ Simpson white Bronco ride after he massacred his White wife, Nicole Brown.

And just incase your forgot what Negro murderer OJ did, here ya go:

More importantly, at least to me, Tur is also known for capturing the brutal anti-White beating at the hands of several feral Negro Americans of White trucker Reginald Denny in 1992 after the rightful aggressive restraining of "high as a kite" Rodney King by Los Angeles Police.

Now, what is the point of this post? I do not particularly know other than I wanted to pass along this information. Zoey Tur is far from what you may think: some freak who had his balls removed and is only getting attention because of so. Zoey, then Bob, was known for documenting some of the greatest interracial crime stories of our time. 

But don't let this fool you. Zoey is one of these people who will undoubtedly blame the "right wingurzzz" for all kinds of problems. Zoey probably detests Christianity. Zoey also probably could not give one iota of a fuck about the value of White lives, considering the traditional hostility of Jews toward White Western Civilization. 

I guess I would be willing to hear out anything Zoey wants to share about the world of transgenderism, transvestitism, transsexualism. The whole thing is bizarre to the majority of America who sees it as patently ridiculous. Feel free to send me a Tweet or direct message, Zoey. We can exchange e-mails and maybe conduct an e-mail interview that does not include reference to the manipulation of your genitals.

6 Must Read Comments from the "White People" Documentary YouTube Video

A butt-fucking (or perhaps a butt-fuckee in his case) homosexual named Jose Antonio Vargas who is
a bonafide illegal alien who has illegally falsified a social security card has teamed up with Jewish Viacom youth propaganda wing MTV to produce a documentary called "White People."

From the trailer, it appears it is a flamboyant lisping queer who took the time away from ingesting other men's feces chases down White people on college campuses demanding that they feel sorry for being born to the greatest race on planet earth.

The trailer video on Youtube has been down voted many more times than it has been up voted, and it's not particularly close.  So I went and took the time to pull some of the best comments. Here are the 6 best responses to an anti-White illegal alien's hate film.

1. What is Your End Game?
"So I'm a lower middle class white male. What exactly does everyone want from me? Seriously I want to know. I'll be helpful if I can.Bare in mind I'm never gonna apologize to black people for being white. I'm never gonna apologize to feminists for being a guy.  I'm never gonna apologize for slavery. Wish it didn't happen just like I wish there was no such thing as cancer, & if it were my decision it never would've happened. Nor if it were up to me would the pre (& post) Civil Rights inequality have happened that has set black America on a path of less education & wealth leading to the higher % of negative statistics in that community. So what do you want from me?Also can someone explain what exactly gets fixed from people, the government & especially the trash ass media demanding average white men to be in a constant state of apology to every minority & woman in America for things we've never contributed to?  
- Scott Broyles

2. Inconvenient Lack of Privilege
"Anyone else notice that when anyone talks about or to white people about their privilege, they only do it to the upper middle class whites? I've never seen anyone ask someone like my grandfather who was a garbage man about his privilege. Or my mother who was a single mom of two working on the line in a factory for 15 years. Or the countless small towns of mostly white working class families who are struggling with poverty and drugs. I guess that wouldn't be good publicity."

3. I Didn't Get My "White Privilege"...
"I feel no guilt for being white. Why should I feel guilty and apologize for the actions of someone else that I happen to share a skin hue with. Also this white privilege everyone goes on about I sure wish I knew where the hell mine was... maybe when I was born the doctor forgot to give me mine. "
4.  Err-- What About "Black Privilege"
"I am white, and I don't feel sorry or feel I should apologize for shit, here's why. I was born and raised here in California and my whole life people told me I should feel bad about something that happened around 200 years ago. All of my Ancestors are from the north and Europe. When I was in elementary school I was standing in line for lunch and a black boy came up to me and started making fun of me: because I was white! He called my cracker, snowflake, etc. I didn't think those words were bad but then he started saying how I should go back to my slave farm and shit like that. After almost 10 minutes of staying silent, I spun around and said "Fuck you Nigger" and I was expelled from school for "Racism" that is pure bullshit. I have never thought I should automatically get what I want because I'm white, I never thought I was better than other people because I'm white or did I think I was worth anything more. Media focuses on the very rare occasions where a white police man or a white person kills a black person and says that they are "Mistreated" but statistically Blacks represent 13% of the population yet commit 50% of all reported murders. 90% of all Black Murders were committed by other black people. So why is it that we focus on that rare scenario and say they are discriminated when they kill so many of their own as well? Correct me if I'm wrong but this is why I have nothing to apologize for. White privilege doesn't exist anymore. In fact black privilege is at an all time high. Now may I remind you, not all black people are like this, my boyfriend is half black and we get along perfectly. " 

5. Can You Migrate Into "White Privilege?"
 "My ancestors came from a poor family in Hungary in the 1900's. They never owned slaves and they were against slavery. Both my parents grew up poor and in bad situations, no mom, family of alcoholics, etc. They worked their asses off and taught me morals of that life. Just because I go to a private school and live in a nice house doesn't mean my grandfather was part of the KKK. I am not racist but I am discriminated against many times by fellow teens, that go to my school. A Latino boy almost punched me because I listened to a song by a black composer. That is true racism."

 6. Privilege Acquired Through Sweat
"Anyone else notice that when anyone talks about or to white people about their privilege, they only do it to the upper middle class whites? I've never seen anyone ask someone like my grandfather who was a garbage man about his privilege. Or my mother who was a single mom of two working on the line in a factory for 15 years. Or the countless small towns of mostly white working class families who are struggling with poverty and drugs. I guess that wouldn't be good publicity."

Bonus: The Non White Reaction & Other Comments

"Sooooo many white butthurt ppl disliking the vid 😂😂 u guys should just should just stick with school shootings lmfao "
"This is so distasteful even for MTV standards. I'm mixed Hispanic and black and have been going to school with white people all my life in Texas and trust me when I say that putting a show on TV for awareness is not the answer at all. Is this suppose to make me hate white people or something?"
"White people want to be oppressed so badly lmao. I wish I had the same struggles as whites people do."
"A show about white people? Why not a show about black people and THEIR privileges? White people, such as I, have obvious privileges. Black people usually don't get their opinions out because of the color of their skin and how they act. White pride is not that important in America. Our pride is already out there. For blacks, not so much. I hope you guys know what I am talking about here."

"This video proves that it's the white men fault.. white people just won't accept it.."
- I won't promote who said this cause its a spam account. #NegroGrammer

"I'm black and I hate white guilt shit, most white people aren't racist or anything like that, don't put their ancestors faults on them."

I will save you the trouble and watch the documentary and write a review on it within a week of its airing. Be sure to check back.

10 Things That Would Instantly Happen If All Negroes Left America

It is time for America to have a complete divorce from the Negroid race.

They are an expense that the American taxpayer can no longer bear. We can no longer handle their crime, their aggressiveness, and their exploitation of social services. They have overstayed their welcome and the Lincoln Repatriation Act must be implemented.

Before we begin with today's list lets begin with a quote from the great Abraham Lincoln:

“You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them, by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated.”

Now here are ten things that would immediately happen if American Negroes were deported to a colony where they could have their own autonomy. Keep in mind, they comprise a minor less than 15% of the American population.

1.  The Youth Crime Rate Would Drop by 52%

2. Welfare Expenditures Would Drop by 38.8%

3. Average SAT Scores Would Increase by 100+ Points

4. HIV and AIDS would decrease by nearly 65+%

5.  Reported Rapes Would Decrease 35%
"rape culture" proponents do not target America's Magic Negro.

6. 57% of Homeless Bums Would Disappear

7. Half of Gang Members Would Disappear
Including this Bloods Family. Thought we forgot, eh?

8. $35,292,041,644 Wouldn't Be Wasted on Black Prisoners
(Reference Link1 Link2)
Read: 35+ BILLION(!!!!)

9. National IQ would Increase 6+ Points

10. You'd Have Peace of Mind and Get Taxed Less
More time for you and your family and less hours at the office because you need to work more hours because the government takes such a huge chunk of your check to feed the ghetto creatures who sit at home all day on their Obama phones .

It's not that we cannot afford to get rid of them, it is that we cannot afford not to. I won't be like many of the sand-in-vag White nationalists and tell you "I want self determination and the best for all races" because the fact of the matter is that I do not give a rat's ass about the Negro race. They hate us, so I will not waste one spec of energy caring about them and their well being.

This was just a list of scientifically and statistically provable hypothetical net gains. I could have included an entire list of quality of life condition improvements such as not sitting through a movie getting interrupted by colored teens, not worrying about "those parts of town" because they wouldn't even exist.

In this country we go on and on about deporting Mexican illegal aliens and rightfully so! But have we ever though of placing priorities on the deportation of economic and social parasites? The argument with Mestizos is over their illegal status on this country. But it is clear who presents a much more serious danger to the survival of this terminally ill nation.

Democrat Candidate Apologizes for Saying "White Lives Matter"

He has to be thinking "What tge fuck did I get myself into??

Democratic Presidential Candidate Martin O'Malley, a Straight White Male, spoke at a communist gathering of Netroots Nation along the campaign trail in Phoenix Arizona this weekend. 
At one point sitting along side butt-fuckee and illegal alien "White Privilege" documentarian Jose Antonio Vargas, O'Malley said "Black lives matter, White lives matter, All lives matter" in front of the communist gathering.

As you will see in the subsequent videos, he was nearly booed off the stage along with fellow White straight male Bernie Sanders. The Democrat nomination process is not a politically process, it is a lynching of White males who do not like anal sex with other men.

O'Malley went on to apologize for his remarks saying "This was a mistake on my part, and I meant no disrespect." 

That's right, a White straight male apologized for saying that along with Black lives, White and all American lives matter. 

Let me say that once more a different way. Saying that the lives of White Americans have value is a cardinal sin in multicultural America. I anticipate O'Malley will soon drop out just to say "this is not my Democratic party" in future interviews. 

Even Jew CNN journalist Jake Tapper was befuddled that there were those saying O'Malley saying White lives matter is a part of the "language of White supremacy." That, my friends, is a classic case of the Jews not realizing the magnitude of the monster they created.