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This is What a Negro Says Politically Correctness Is; White Privilege Alert

VeronicaJade20 is an "African American" (LMFAO) who likes to explain that the reason White
people resent political correctness so much is because it is zapping their "White Privilege" powers. You know, don't hit the almighty negroid right in the feels, they bruise easily...

She took to a video of a comedy sketch on YouTube that most people, before Obama's reign, found funny and belly-ached about how "racist tards" Whites are "sociopaths" who do not exhibit common decency to "African Americans" (LMFAO). It's a fat White comedic actor, a poor man's Chris Farley named Artie Lange, portraying a Black mother who smokes menthols.

Here is her near award winning articulation of political correctness:

And “Political Correctness” is a reactionary term against the loss of privilege. For some reason, the term ‘politically incorrect’ managed to survive the 90's, while the term that appropriately describes this empty-headed, uncivilized, destructive, anti-social behavior for exactly what it is- 'human rights backlash’ - did not. Hmmm. I wonder why.::Eyeroll::It's simple: It’s about exhibiting basic human decency towards people, instead of caricaturing them as sub-human. It's about not being yet ANOTHER white sociopath that no one can stand because you behave like an uncivilized, socially maladjusted imbecile who's WHITE TRASH FAMILY taught you nothing about having any class or basic manners. Grow up, racist tards.
Butt-hurt much, Veronica?

What the reign of Negro rule in Amerika entails is an overarching Black supremacy. They expect Whites to lean over and bow to the almighty Negroid and be overly polite. Not only are we well on our way to the full-out genocide of American Whites, they want us to be "decent" towards Negroes the race who runs around raping 80-year-old women, wiping their boon bottoms with the American Flag that has represented the best life a dark-skinned person, and beating White men in the streets while recording it.

"Empowered Womyn" like Veronica are simply angry. Negro men hardly want anything outside of one time sexual encounters with them. It is also just a widely accepted fact that Negress women are the lowest on the totem pole of attractiveness. Meh, maybe not a fact; but if you had everyone create a list of the best looking race of women, Negroid women with the broad jaws, steak lips, and out-of-control hair would be way at the bottom. They are the angry Black women.

On the average, Negroes are menaces, obtrusive, and overly aggressive. Your entire race creates a net loss to society socially, morally and economically. WE-OWE-YOU-NOTHING. We mustn't not capitulate to their cries of "but lik muh feelinz!" Screw them and screw you, Veronica.