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5/13/16 Mailbag Session on White Media & Protocols of Zion

Well, here we are again.

I have a few free minutes after a jam-packed, busy day.

Only one more e-mail has rolled in since I last published that blog on Monday or whatever it was.

Here is what we have.

On 5/11/16 Ryan writes...

"Let me guess you believe in the protocols of the elders of zion. Dylan roof was angry that the girl he liked was in love with a black man, and he blamed blacks for it. His rhetoric and actions were inspired by \"pro white\" rhetoric as you call it"

I reply...

As it pertains to the PotLEoZ, I will tell you that it's not a matter of having "faith." This is not a
matter of belief like a believe in Santa Clause or the tooth fairy. The Protocols are already being smeared as a forgery or a hoax. By the way, if you're unfamiliar with them you must go read them before reading any critique. When you punch it into google they say that they were published on January 1, 1989 which is complete and utter horse shit. Especially considering their origin goes back to the first decade of the 1900s to the best of my knowledge.

So the Jews who control Google are going to pretend that somehow they were originally published in 1989 even though thats obviously not the case. They want people to believe that a bunch of White anti-Semite extremists were pushing these around in the 1990s.

Now back to it being a belief or an article of faith..

All one has to do is realize these were written at the beginning of the 20th century when the United States and Europe was racially homogenous and not at world wars and before the television and the mass media existed as we know today. Shortly thereafter, the world would go on to have two major wars, Talmudvision, excuse me, television would go on to take over everyone's lives and indeed influence every aspect of our lives. Now go read them again. It's obvious that they are real.

Now as far as Dylann Roof is concerned, I think he is probably a borderline Autist, like many "white nationalists." Someone who probably didn't have much of a social circle due to some undiagnosed personality disorder so he started reading things online to help justify his already existing anger. He stumbled on White nationalism and then he went and killed a bunch of Negroes screaming at Jeebus in the church pews. The whole thing doesn't interest me.

I guess you could get deeper into it and say it was some type of MK-ULTRA OP to serve three agendas: 1) taking our guns 2) smearing Whites as racists 3) getting the Confederate flag removed.

Either way, it doesn't interest me. He didn't do anything good. A bunch of Blacks in a church doing a Bible study are NOT our enemies. While I do not recommend it, there are plenty of other ways to express your anger and more worthy people to channel that anger toward.


On 9/17/15 Joe writes..
"nice website-keep it coming-found it this morning from a link at newnation.org"

I reply...

Cool. No idea how I ended up on there but after taking a quick glimpse it looks like a good website. We need websites that serve a few different functions. Among those functions are:

  • News aggregators of Jewish atrocities, Negro crime, Illegal alien issues, college campus SJW activity cataloging, & anti-White government activities.
  • Websites that take mainstream news articles and put them into their current context. I.E. a "random attack" is never random. 95% of the time, it's some city dwelling animal attacking a White working class person. These stories need to be re-framed.
  • Gathering websites that serve as a place for people to share their ideas and seek advice.
  • White media websites that feature videos, documentaries and radio shows. 
The key here is that pro-White websites must be income producing. We need to find ways to get paid for our e-activism. Dozens of clickbait websites are out there which feature bull shit "news" or "stories." We need to slap ads on these websites or sell advertisement space. Time is money. Financial incentives will make us produce more and more content which gets our message out there more and more. But, if the money is to dry up or you have a hard time getting advertisers, you're profit motive is gone and it might burn you out. 

I am 100% against "think tank" websites. Big ideas and intellectual leadership needs to be put in books and sold, not put on blogs. E-Journals are nonsense. Charge people a membership fee. Besides, a lot of these websites are funded by bigs Jewish donors. These are the pro-White bourgeois who sit there with a thesaurus writing sarcastic commentaries, often saying things to be "edgy."


JP on 9/11/15 writes...
"Thank you for having the courage and fortitude to speak the truth! I am a White Christian male and am distraught over the denegration and demise of the White male at the hands of the zionist kikery that has poisoned our society! They are the puppetmasters who dictate the negro mindset! If you give a chimp a gun and he shoots someone, you don\'t blame the chimp! Also, erasing us is an awesome domain name! Bravo! Peace and Blessings! "

I have no courage. The internet doesn't take courage. 

To the next part: Read the protocols and "A Racial Program for the 20th Century" (by Israel Cohen, I believe). 

I think Erasing Us is the perfect domain name. That is precisely what these scum who are destroying our civilization are doing. They're taking Whites off our Federal Reserve notes, removing our monuments, promoting revisionist history in our schools, replacing White movie and cartoon characters with Negroids but only keeping Whites if they can make them a faggot or a dyke. 

They're just Erasing us and it's as simple as that. Boycott Jewish media. Home school your kids. 


David on 7/20/15 Writes...

"I was wondering if you would be interested in this documentary I produced on a white minority group in Jamaica"

I reply...

Sure, here's the link he sent me.


Actually, that was the last e-mail I could find. 

I'm not going to pretend people are e-mailing me and make up questions that I want to answer and slap a fake name on them.

So if you're eyes are seeing this, send me an e-mail on the contact page at the top of this website. Keep this going. It is fun to give advice, answer questions etc. 

Till next time.

A Response to Dozens of E-mails: Advice/Perspectives/Mud People

Hey folks,

Buster here.

I started this blog last year as just a place to vent. I never really had much intention on maintaining it mostly because the pro-White wing out there is largely saturated with blogs, web forums, and podcasts. Most of which, by the way, are complete shit. "This is 2016" should not be a SJW mantra, but something that is used to run these lame bloggers/podcasters out of business, our race needs people who can actually produce high quality media.

There's also tons of kooks who are like shit-flies buzzing around White nationalism for the sole purpose of starting trouble with other people. I wouldn't even say they are infiltrators of the government or subversive Jew organizations; just social retards who aren't apt to gain full time employment that can occupy their time.

Anyway. I've gotten dozens of e-mail from people. Some bug-eyed niggers saying they're Israelites or whatever but mostly supportive people. To date, this website has received 385,000 views. I've done no marketing whatsoever. I guess googling has lead people here organically. I must have a knack for this.

Anyway, I thought this would be a good time to answer some e-mails and share my thoughts publicly since I don't really care to blog about Donald Trump or how smelly Black individuals are.

Here it goes:

Danielle on 10/19/15 writes...
"Just a quick thanks for putting my literal thoughts into writing. Especially while most are afraid to do so. I bought a house in a neighborhood that after foreclosures became a huge rental area. Rentals of course mean blacks. I have watched it turn from a beautiful neighborhood to a crime, pitbull, and filth filled hell where I carry a gun and still dread getting out of my car. What a wonderful world it would be if they were all ...somewhere else.  "

My reply:

Hey Danielle,

Most of us feel this way. Our thoughts about the government, mud races, and garbage people as a whole are polluting our unconscious. We're not the White equivalent of BLM activists because we have employment. It's as simple as that. If we were these unqualified, 3rd grade reading level negroes in community colleges receiving a check from the government to go to school (anyone who watches muds on Judge Judy can verify this) who has nothing better to do than to go stomp on top of police cars and burn things down, we'd be rioting too. Let me be abundantly clear: Most white people, those in urban areas more so than in nice White areas on select parts of the west coast cannot stand the blacks, Mexicans and other mud people.

In terms of buying real estate, thats probably one of the smartest things you can do. It's the one asset that is genuinely appreciating unlike these junk bonds and stocks that are set to crash any minute. Property appreciation is mostly due to foreign investment. Mostly by Israelis and Chinese communists. Both bubbles are young to blow again. The stock market is going to crash any year now because our labor market is polluted with low wage retail jobs. The real estate market will last longer because those investments aren't being made by niggers who do not have jobs like between 2000-2008. "I be haz job" isn't sufficient to get a mortgage anymore. I think the result of this will be White residents being forced to live among non-Whites in either urban areas or suburban ghettos. Where is a middle class person to buy and invest nowadays?  The boomers are dying, the Chinese are buying. Whites are losing out. This is only good for our future.


Angela on 10/28/15 writes:

Hi, I\'m glad I stumbled upon this site while on the web. Truth be told I googled \"I hate black people\". There aren\'t many websites or groups out there and I believe it\'s because this country is being overrun by these subhuman chimps. I can\'t begin to describe my intense hatred for these \"people\". Let me start by admitting I was taught since I was a small girl by my great grandfather that it is absolutely wrong to date, marry, and procreate with niggers. At the time I was too small to get it, but eventually I did, and I thank that man for teaching me what he taught me. I don\'t get the whole nigger craze that\'s been going on in this country! White women and men, Latinos are in on it too. I think it\'s a form of beastiality if you ask me. Unfortunately for me I married young and my husband never even bat an eye when I would say nigger. Since we\'ve had our boys it\'s been hell in this house. The whole black lives matter (more like black lives splatter, hehe) movement has fucked with naive and simple minded while people. Just last week I said the word nigger and I got slapped in the face by my husband! He said it was because I said it in front of the boys and he doesn\'t want them to hate. Well, it\'s too late I\'ve been their primary caregiver since birth and I\'ve already taught them that being a mudshark is disgusting. They have expressed their hatred either way and have told me that the black girls at school are rude and smell bad. I\'m disgusted at how my brother in law being an educated individual with a bachelors in nursing chose a she boon and now she\'s pregnant! Absolutely sickening! I hate them for a plethora of reasons but I would be here all day, I\'m just venting really. There vile disgusting culture is spreading a across America like a cancer and I wish I would fucking stop already..

I reply:

Well Angela, it sounds like you have the wrong kind of alpha male. Anyone who watches their local newscast that lives in an urban area knows the deal. As an example, during my time living in Chicago (thankfully it wasn't a long stop in my life) you can watch the 6pm newscast and know where the stories were going. Slashings, robberies, rapes, gunshots etc.. The sketch literally 100% of the time was of some ape. It's completely normal to feel hatred. All you can do to the people around you is point out these stories and say "if we had our own country this wouldn't be happening." Don't force it down people's throats. I guarantee you that over time, (6-8 months) you will start noticing the people in your household will begin parroting the things that you say.

 It'll shock you at first. As far as mud sharking is concerned, it starts with marijuana and one bad apple. One girl in a social circle will have this sick proclivity. She'll just be down for niggers for one reason or another. Then marijuana will be introduced to their social circles and before you know it, the white girl's car will have pre-set radio stations of every hip hop station in town. She'll attend negro clubs and idolize hip hop performers, smoking spliffs before hand (or as niggers call them: blunts), and before you know it she'll be getting blacked. It's just the way it happens. To remedy this, for the people who may be reading this that are cursed with daughters and not sons, make it clear from the beginning when you start seeing this behavior amongst your daughter's friends that you see it as disgusting. Tell them "Why does Joanie want a future of singer motherhood and potential STDs, domestic violence and maybe even death?" Don't start screaming, ranting, and raving. But let them know that they'll be taking the bus to college if they think they're going to go spend their Friday nights in clubs full of niggers wanting to "muhdik" them (which you won't allow in the first place) before you lease some car for them. You have a lot of say. This children's liberation nonsense can't go too far.


From Preslier on 10/30/15.

"Love your page, keep it up!"

I reply:

Thanks. I'll try to write in from time to time. I consider myself to be quite brilliant and have impeccable insight and foresight. Blogging is lame. I'd rather share my gift by offering people advice.  Maybe we can turn this into some type of White advice column website.


Jason on 11/23/15 writes..

"I\'m sending you this message because I cannot understand why you are filled with such a deep hate for black people. Being a black man I understand that there is a large number of the population that is taking advantage of the system, albeit a system created to ensure the failure of black people. However, I digress. I have come to dislike the average black man too, they are unmotivated, lazy and have no determination to better themselves. Given what my people have gone through (I\'m assuming your educated in history) do you think that any other race (not religious group, specifically the Jews) would be in a better predicament. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail I am open to having a dialog. I also wish to know your thoughts on why people who are not black or of color feel that they are superior. I try to look past color when I see a man. As MLK said judge a man by the content of his character. You can be white or black and not be a good person; character is colorblind. It would be great if you would post this; that is if you do care to respond, it would be interesting to see the comments your frequent visitors have. Thanks"

I reply...

Blacks make it easy for me to hate them. They are violent, they make any situation uncomfortable. They are menacing. They are stupid and largely unproductive. Over 85% of the blacks I have encountered in my life have been incredible stupid and lazy. It's not their fault though. I hate them like I hate rats. You can't make a rat not be a rat. They'll always be there and you try not to spend every waking moment of your life thinking about how much you hate rats. I just spend more time than the average (white) person thinking about how much I dislike rats (blacks). (I actually wrote all of this before reading your sentence starting with "being a black man..." so I figured you were some SJW.) I'll also say that I find some Blacks to be very pleasant with great spirit. It's entirely possible to have a nice encounter with an American cultured Negro who has a work ethic and is polite.

I must confess, I have no desire to have some sort of a dialogue with you. Nigs be all about "dialoging" and all that. I'm a White racist. You're a some what sympathetic Black. You and I having some type of e-mail relationship isn't going to change the fact that Blacks are largely menaces to society and that a substantial amount of young Negros out there think that there is some type of "system of White supremacy" out there organized against them.

I've spent nearly 40 years of my life "judging the character" of Blacks and quite frankly their character is complete shit.


No on 12/10/15 writes:

"your stupid"

I reply:

Yes. Incredibly stupid. Sometimes I'm lazy with grammar. I have trouble spelling certain words that have "ei" or "ie" in them from time to time. But that's what we have auto-correct for. Mononyms often slip my mind. I do however know the difference between "your" and "you're." You don't.


(some horseshit about people trying to sell me a type or commenting service once we got bounced of Disqus this year.) We did get kicked off Disqus. I notice there were niggers cyber-rioting in our comment section over some of the articles I wrote. I'll try to see if I can create a new username and have it re-installed because I really have no interest in learning about a new software. I do know they got pretty big and basically took over the web commenting industry which created a monopoly. Probably run by Jews too. So now they're going to go ever them "White supreeeemists." Whatever, fuck them.


Steven on 12/25/15 writes:
"its not colored african american or any of the other special words that they want us to use but nigger is the only accurate descriptor for these subhuman animals."

I reply...

Yikes, this was your thought on Christmas? I mean, I use the "N-word" too but I don't think I would take the time to e-mail someone like me on Christmas.

Regardless, nigger is the right word to use. Harold Covington of the Northwest Front has the right idea and says it better than I can. Check this out: http://northwestfront.org/2013/07/why-i-say-nigger/

At this point I've relocated to the bathroom to continue this exercise while moving my bowels.

Sometimes I have great ideas while on the can.


Tiara on 1/7/16 writes:
"Buster, I have to admit that I have been thoroughly entertained today by browsing your blog. The Mudshark Prevention blog was the best....Truth be told I totally agree with self-preservation...which is why I by no means am offended by your racism. Quite frankly, I appreciate it. I wish more whites would say how they feel about people of color, specifically Blacks. Now one of your blogs...had me wanting to ask you a question. And I hope that you are willing to answer. Since Blacks should be deported back to Africa, why is that not the same for European descendants as well??? Seeing that Columbus did not discover America (even thou that\'s the propaganda that is feed through those Texas textbooks nationwide) and there were indigenous people in North America that the pilgrims massacred, tortured, raped and gave diseases to.... So shouldn\'t whites be deported as well back to Europe??? I mean...the only group of people who should really be in America living is Native Americans (oops I am Indians, since Columbus did think he was in India to buy some spices). Because this GREAT country ... doesn\'t \"belong\" to WHITES anymore than BLACKS. We all (other than Native Americans) are immigrants in this land. I really hope that you would respond. Im not trying to argue but have an intellectual debate between a pro-white man and a pro-black woman. Even thou you probably think that I can\'t process the genetic aptitude to do so...that is THINK INTELLIGENTLY ;-/ Yours In Self-Preservation Love, Tiara"

I reply:

Whites cannot be deported from this country because just incase you fell asleep in that American history lecture because you were up all night producing "beats" or whatever that shit you people make for music is called, White men founded this country for their WHITE posterity.

Blacks were imported into this country by Jewish slave traders (it's up to you to look further into this) as business capital. Now, Blacks are basically antique farm equipment as evidence of their large unemployment rates.

The functional difference here is that White people conquered this land and made it their own. They cut through the forest to create what was once the greatest society ever known to man. There is a fundamental difference between conquering a land and being imported like some cheap shit Ikea furniture from China.

Also, I'll say once again that I have zero interest in having an e-mail relationship with Blacks, debating blacks, or appearing on Black internet radio programs to have a cast of niggers "ooogga boooga" me. I hardly have interest in maintaining this as a real blog and only rarely do I have the interest to spend my time on here. Tonight is one of those exceptions because of the crappy weather.


Joaquin from the University of Chicago on 1/8/16 writes...
"Hey man, I think you are absolutely insane. Quite frankly I think you have troubles in your life but maybe we can do a phone interview on my radio station to give you a clear platform to voice your fxcked up opinion ? thanks!"

I reply:

Hey mannnnn, quite frankly I have zero interest in sharing my knowledge with some spic on his college radio program. My life is quite great compared to most. Some things aren't great 100% of the time but it's a pretty damn good life.

I want other pro-Whites to be aware. There's nothing brave or fun about going on these types of radio shows. Nothing will be achieved. I could go further into this, but just take my word for it. We're not going to change the world by collaborating with the muds and we're certainly not going to have some coat of many colors coalition against the Jews.


Christy on 1/9/16 writes...

"Hi there, I enjoyed your last post. Was waiting to hear your refreshing take on the Syrian refugees who gang raped European women in Germany. Keep up the great work,"

I reply:

I was hoping to get a question like this...

This is going to ruffle some feathers but it needs to be said...

Recall that video of that yenta Barbara Spectre floating around YouTube about how "Europe MUST go through a multicultural transformation" or whatever she said?

Well I am going to say that as long as White idiots in Europe are tossing bagels at these sand niggers as their get off busses getting imported into their country, the rapes NEED to happen.

As long as the official state policy of the anti-White, Jewish run European Union is to allow these dune coons into their country there needs to be Muslim violence, Muslim rapes, and Middle Eastern behavior (terror attacks etc). Do I want White women to get sodomized by a bunch of smelly Arabs? Of course not. But as long as White Europeans willingly welcome and gladly endorse and rubber-stamp the policies of their Jewish slave masters in charge of the EU, they need to be getting raped. All we can do is hope that the women who are being victims of this were the ones who stood there with signs reading "Refugees welcome."

If only a White European resistance, preferably armed to shoot and kill people invading their land, raping their women, and terrorizing their cities, were to occur would there be a circumstance under which I would feel sympathy.

As long as they encourage these Jew-led efforts to destroy Europe, they deserve this. They need this. We do not want Muslims pretending to be model citizens so the Jews can go "See, they're not so bad after all" just for them to start raping 10 years down the road. We want them to be ass-raping these White idiots while shouting "Alhu bark" or whatever that mantra is. We want the European Whites to see what is happening in plain sight so when their Jew leaders lie to their faces, they take up revolution and end the Muslim problem once and for all.

Great question..


Enoch on 1/11/16 writes..

"Your a fucking piece of shit as a human and you already know this. I have a question for you. How many men of color slam your wife\'s cheeks before she met you."

I reply:

A+ for effort on the grammar. None actually. I was extremely selective in selecting a mate. Among other things, one of the attributes I required in a mate was that they have healthy natural racial instincts. This isn't something you can teach or brainwash. Once that was demonstrated to me through a series of shit tests, you can have me.


No name on 1/21/16 writes...
"You don\'t deserve to breathe. Ignorant people like you should not have access to write anything publicly. You have deep issues and instead of blogging behind your computer screen like a coward, low life get help or kill yourself. People like you should be erased, the only useful thing about this site is the title. Erase yourself and every other worthless piece of trash like yourself."

I reply:

Well, let me let you in on a little secret. Most White people feel this way. I have put literally no effort into this website and normal White people have stumbled on this website after coming to the realization that they just can't take it anymore. Just to give you a spoiler about the future: your time is the one that is limited. There is a sudden consciousness in this country among White people that should really have you terrified about your future.


Fuck yourself on 1/24/16 writes...
"Look you little cunt. You are nothing but an ant in a HUGE pile of shit. You are what the world can live without. You waste your time being a racist prick and hating on EVERYBODY. Get out of the fucking past you piece of white trash. Its 2016 asshole. Soon, people like you will hopefully die out. You deserve nothing but absolute shit. I am going to try my best to shut this piece of shit website down you uneducated, undeveloped, racist motherfucker. I really hope you die out. How dare you use the word \"negro\" what date are we in. Fucking go away in your little shit hole in idaho and die!"

I reply:

I think you should see my reply above. Tick tock, you're time is almost up.


Sarah on 1/27/16 writes...
"Hello Himen, I stumbled across your blog. My biological father was from Pocatello ID and my aunts that I never met & my grandma lived there, before she passed. One aunt is named Linda, maiden *****, but she may have a different married name. Just wondering if maybe you knew her. My grandma who passed was Mary *****. I was also wondering, since my father is from Pocatello, if everyone there thinks like u?? Thank u muchly. Sarah"

I reply:

No idea. Never met anyone by such a name. I haven't been here for too, too long so I am not the best person to ask about random people who may have lived here throughout the years.

I will say that the racial consciousness around here is probably not too high. A fair amount of people who live here are settlers from urban areas.

As a typical rule of thumb, most people who know nothing but White neighborhoods have a certain level of privilege and comfort not having to live amongst the animals. This can effect their racial standing to some degree. I do however think that anyone who watches the national news has a decent idea of what the racial situation in this company is becoming.


Flavius on 2/3/16 writes...

"Well done bro. I have five White kids, and I make sure to make them proud of their European heritage and keep them away from Nigger-rap and similar degenerate culture. I post under a pseudonym because I still can\'t risk getting doxxed and losing my job. Hopefully, things will change. How do we post to your blog? I couldn\'t post to your great article about 8 ways to keep your kids from dating niggahs."

I reply:

Don't push them too hard. My recommendation to you is to read up on the psychology if persuasion. Be subtle. Use long term strategies to influence the way people think rather than trying to force certain ideas into their minds. That strong action can often times induce an equally strong and opposite reaction. Be very cognizant of this.

In terms of names, who cares. It's not names that we on the White side need to focus on, it's the ideas. Look at how many politicians, actors, and broadcasters don't use their birth names. I don't get why anyone would care about this. And anyone who cares a bit too much about that is probably someone that should set your self-preservation alarm off.

Also, about posting to the blog. If you mean comments, you should be able to now. If that's not what you meant, please specify in the comments.


Jo on 2/5/16 writes...
"You are being erased and so are the rest of the worthless pieces of shit like you. Soon noon of you will exist and the world will be a happy place. There is no point to hate on blacks, mexicans, asians, jews, homosexuals, transsexuals, or what ever. We are all human, all equal. The fact that you hate someone because of the color of their skin, sexuality, or religion just proves how much of a retard you are. I hope you burn in hell with rest of your kind and hope that your children don\'t end up like you. The world is changing and people like you are fading away. Get with the times, gay marriage is legal, blacks and whites and other colors are all together. You deserve nothing but shit and your probably tiny home in Idaho. Have a terrible day and I wish you the worst. P.S-the word \"negro\" is very offensive you dumb cracker."

I reply:

Why do you care so much about my feelings to write such a vulgar e-mail message to me?

What you have done to me and my readers is show that you are scared. What I want my "audience" to understand is that people like this (and believe me, there's a decent amount of them) who take their valuable time to write a random stranger named Buster Himen on the internet an e-mail full of obscenities and wishing gay marriages on my children are terrified of growing White consciousness.

It doesn't offend me or have any negative or positive effect on my morale. The world is out of my control. I'm only here to help my brethren interpret the happenings and counsel on how to get through it mentally.


SD on 2/8/16 writes...
"Do you have any newsletters that you send out yet, or will you soon? "

I reply:

Nope, I don't. This isn't a website that I am going to try with. There will be no accompanying newsletters, videos, podcasts or news entries. It's basically an internet bar/gym for me to vent or flex my intellectual muscles.

What I'll do however is set up some type of subscribe or follow feature to this blog. Should I continue getting a decent amount of e-mails for advice or questions about my ideas I'll be glad to continue to let this evolve into an advice type blog or a place where people can seek help interpreting the world.

It has to happen organically. I'm not going to try to do this. It can't work that way. The clickbait strategy is saturated. Tons of people are posting copy/paste articles and saturating the websites with adverts to make money. It's really low quality. There's going to be a development going forward that will prove that only organic websites will rise to the top and to be honest I'm not concerned with reaching the top of anything.

Next and last for tonight.....

Jerry on 2/18/16 writes...
"Just wanted to let you know I think your site/blog is great. I\'m a married white man in my mid 30s, and I have 3 awesome white sons I\'m trying to raise in this failed multi culti experiment we call America. I just stumbled upon this site a few days ago, and everything I\'ve read so far has been pretty dead on with how I feel about all these animals. It\'s always nice to know there are people who feel the same way I do. I haven\'t figured out a way to comment, so I wanted to let you know your work is appreciated. Keep up the good work, I\'ll be reading. Victory or Death WPWW"

I reply:

Thanks Jerry. I appreciate your sentiments. You need to be vocal about how you feel within your community. Don't be overbearing. Don't be loud. Be subtle. Encourage white consciousness by fertilizing receptive minds. Don't let it cost you your job or your well-being because for the next 5-10 years, at the minimum, you're going to need these things.

Also, knock it off with this WPWW bullshit. You're a father. This WPWW and 14-88 idiocy should be left in the 1990s where it belongs. You're a WHITE man. You come from the likes of Aristotle, George Washington, and Adolf Hitler. Don't reduce your thoughts and feelings to acronyms, slogans and veiled gang language. That's for niggers.

Take this constructively and with love, not as an insult. And if you're insulted, don't go away mad. Just go away. But I know you won't do that. You have the potential for great personal development within you. Always try to get better.

End of replies for today..

Anyway that's going to do it folks.

I have about 15 e-mails from the point I started to today that I could go through. I'm not sure how many there are before the first one I responded to.

If you think I shouldn't bother responding to some of the negative e-mails like the ones I did, let me know. If you thought my response taught you something about it and I ought to continue, let me know as well. I think you can probably comment below somehow.

Before I send out e-mails about this post, I'll try to include some type of follow feature to this blog. I have no interest in creating an e-mail list. I have Facebook and Twitter. On twitter I'm @ErasingUs_

I don't Tweet every day. But when I do tweet, I tweet a lot. I prefer that you send your questions to me on e-mail and not Twitter although I will engage in trolling activism with you on Twitter if you want and if I have the energy.

Facebook: just search "Erasing Us." We've got like 3,000 fans on there or something last time I checked. You can also message that page questions if you'd really like for my next post.

I have no interest in carrying on give and take conversations on social media. I do not want to make E-Friends, I don't want to have Facebook poke wars. I do not want to go to your conferences or rallies. I just want to help you interpret the world and give you advice.

Until next time, Godspeed.

Open Letter: Dear Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro Mark Levin & Other Kikeservatives

Dear Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro & Other Kikeservatives

We warned you this time was coming.

The time where the obedient, tow-the-line base of the Republican Party would come out roaring. How we knew that was coming was unforeseen but the domination of Donald Trump opened that door for us and you can't seem to slam the door shut.

The definition of Conservatism has changed with the turning of a new year.

Abandoned are the Cohenservative foreign policy of carrying out the long term objectives in the Middle East of Israel. Gone are the days of the Communist Democrats getting what they want first and leaving us empty handed with an open border.

In the past lies the Ronald Reagan worship. No longer do we buy the "benchmark of conservatism" nonsense. The Alzheimer's actor and his policies of naming Ketchup a vegetable, granting Amnesty to Illegal Aliens, and allowing no-fault divorce laws that have made men the target of vindictive women.

Sure, people like Ben Shapiro were cool to a point. Bashing mentally disturbed transvestites on live television, dropping some truth on the wild Blacks in Ferguson, and even defending the right to keep and bear arms against foreigners.  But it was your Yid Lid that trumped us in the end.

No longer will we allow you to define the parameters of what Conservatism is and what Conservatism is not. You can no longer say why Sarah Palin going rogue for Trump betrays Conservatism because you no longer control Conservatism. It's over. You've Kiked us long enough.

Mark, you hate Obama. You channel the natural regurgitation of White patriots having a Black communist run their birthright into the ground for the purposes of selling your books just like old Michael Weiner Savage. By the way Michael, why is it that every book is your last? But in the end you show your Yid Lid for Cruz because you can't be too certain Donald will send American boys to fight for Israel. You are the gate keepers of the Goyim slaughter farm.

Jonah, it's over. Your cute National Review tantrum was the death rattle of Cohenservatism. You got a nice few Shabbat Goy, of whom few are left, to stand for the principles of Ronald Reagan including big time sellouts and Christian Zionist pigs Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, Eric Erickson, and others.

The irony in it all is that your Jewish slander and libel is so transparent. You'd have us supporting Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio who are undoubtedly for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, giving our manufacturing jobs to China, Mexico and South Korea and our technology jobs to a bunch of imported dot-heads.

No longer will we allow you to use White consumerism to bring in record profits to Jewish owned businesses.

We completely see you for what you are now. You are the Jewish shepherds who herd their Goyim cattle within the parameters of semitical correctness. Your reliance on White Christian retards who worship the Jews and Israel more than they worship their own "savior" Jesus Christ.

Your knees shake together as you see those good old reliable goy wander off the slaughter farm and supporting the glorious future leader, Donald J. Trump.

You are merely the "right wing" counterpart of your Jewish rivals on the left who do the same thing to the destructive shvartzetum, young White soy diet communists and other various types brown people who don't speak English. Keep us in line you will not any longer. It's over.

Conservatism is ours now. It will be White, it will be moral, it will be for our interests. Your Second Amendment posturing and your "free enterprise" nonsense will neither be here nor there if we were to allow you vermin to continue steering the ship. But that was always a part of the plan, wasn't it?

The future will be for we the courageous White conservatives who are not afraid of being called names and our posterity as it was always intended to be.


Liberated White Goyim.

Trump 2016.

Hail Victory and DEATH to Cohenservatism.