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Why You Should NOT Support White Girl Bleed A lot's Colin Flaherty

This morning I woke up to interesting and unsurprising news: "White Girl Bleed A Lot" and "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry" author Colin Flaherty was banned from PC conforming and enforcing website YouTube. That is where today's story begins.

Briefly I'm going to take the opportunity to explain my experience on racial issues.

Long story short, I've lived in a lot of different places in the United States because of my profession. Major Metro cities like Chicago and New York and smaller more obscure towns that you have probably never heard of. I have dealt with many people all across the color and religious spectrum. The experiences I have had with these people have shaped my world view.

As I amassed a nice savings due to being single by choice for almost all of my 20s I was able to "semi-retire" as they say right around the 2012 elections. I had accumulated enough money and years of life that made it unnecessary for me to have the moving habits of a military professional. Consequentially I had more free time on my hands. I'm that generation between the oldsters who don't know how to operate a computer and the generation who does. My work was primarily done without having to use computers so I wasn't all to familiar with the workings of the internet. Technology illiterate I was not but ignorant I was to the subculture of internet communities. Dog lovers, communists and nationalists all had their corner of the interwebs.

My life experience lead me to websites we can fairly categorize as pro-White. Some more unabashed in their use of language, some more "respectable" all addressing issues important to the White working and middle class to varying degrees. I was always on the outskirts observing before starting this blog.

I read pro-White news websites and webforums. I listened to pro-White web radio programs and on demand audios, lectures and YouTube videos. I had an idea of who I felt was legitimate and who was wasting our time. Eventually I became regular callers on some of these programs to blow off some steam and a commenter on some other websites to leave my thoughts in print in a more calm, articulate fashion.

A couple of years ago some of the nationalist programs I listened to were interviewing a new conservative convert to common sense Colin Flaherty. As far as I understood it he was a journalist who was a little right of Republican that realized what so many of us have: "HOLY SHIT, THE NEGROES ARE MASSACRING US!"

I ordered a sample of his e-book and was a big fan of his effort. "Wow, this is awesome. Someone semi-mainstream calling things for what they are" I said. After that I pretty much just didn't pay any attention to Flaherty aside from the occasional re-tweet of something he posted or viral Facebook share that sometimes came across my NewsFeed. 

Then one day fairly recently out of the blue I noticed he had published a new book. I also had discovered that he was hosting his own webcast which I found on YouTube. He opened just about every show I checked with "this is where we talk about black on white crime (or the myth of black victimization) without racism, without rancor."

Pretty much... this:

You're a White male who has had one of the best-selling books if not the best selling book on the market that documents Black-on-White crime and you start a podcast discussing it without "rancor."

For those unfamiliar with the word, here is the definition of rancor:
an angry feeling of hatred or dislike for someone who has treated you unfairly
Is this to suggest that Colin Flaherty could honestly discuss incessant savage feral Negro crime without disliking them? To document probably hundreds of these instances where Whites were targeted to be lit on fire, raped, pillaged, robbed, murdered, tortured etc and not have an eensy weensy bit of well-deserved animosity toward these creatures? 

He also is on the record for saying he is pretty much repulsed by any theory, notion, organization or thought that is pro-White. They're all "kooky" theories according to him. He has his own show now, so there is no longer a need for him to market to and exploit the "White supremacists." He made a name for himself riding the coat tails of their audience which they worked hard to build and then threw them under the bus.

Life's too short, I didn't get pissed. He's a Republican journalist. what more can we expect? I didn't bother with him but much like every other "pro-White" I put into categories after hearing out, he went in the "don't waste your time" one. After all, the Republican Party has spent the last 40 to 60 years or more doing everything they can to destroy and eliminate the White working class through Civil Rights, forced integration, wars for Israel, NAFTA and GATT.  What more can you expect from some GOP schmuck? 

Now fast forward to today when we find out his YouTube was axed by the demonic rat-faced Jews who run Google. Dozens of Retweets from popular pro-White accounts all over Twitter. Some say "the video that got Flaherty deleted from YouTube!" "Oh my god what a travesty!"
"They're silencing us."

Hit the brakes.

The memories of all of these little nuance details about "rancor" "without racism" and his remarks about proud and defiant Whites come to my mind. These fucking people on Twitter are actually rallying behind this cigar-smoking hack? This Rush Limbaugh wannabe fraud?

I did this: I checked Twitter with my morning water, saw this happened, sent out my morning thoughts and then decided I couldn't stay silent on the wolf in sheep's clothing anymore.

I sent out these Tweets:
"Does realize that the JEWS who run Facebook will eventually come for him there. You're with us or you're against us. Colin."
Nobody is asking to wear a pointy hat or get a Swastika tattoo. I'm asking him: do you do what you do for White life or $$$??

I need to know: Colin, are you publishing all of these books on savage Negroid violence against Whites because you are outraged that White life is being eliminated on pretty much an hourly basis in this country or are you simply doing it for the money?

Your pandering in all of your efforts is a clear sign that you are afraid to be called names.

Is your motive profit or is your motiving securing a land for our people to live in and be free of all third-world terrorists who, on a daily basis, seek our genocide?

About an hour or so later Colin must of woke up, smoked his morning cigar and responds with these two Tweets which we'll address in order of bottom to top.

He considers Whites actively pursing their own interests out of sheer necessity a "kooky racial superiority theory."  

He starts off his show proclaiming he is not a racist. Wake up call Colin: you're a White-skinned person talking about Negroid animals in a way which they would much rather be ignored. It's 2015, you're a fucking racist by default along with the rest of us. Embrace it and move on. Their name calling has no power over any White male with a liberated brain. 

Colin "please don't call me racist" Flaherty then goes on to use a long, long time GOP hack or even sometimes Democrat tactic (ah, screw it they're both the same run by the international Jew) of trying to paint my pointing out of his movement capitalism (while positioning himself far outside of the movement) as some sort of communism. Typical Republican shill BULLSHIT. 

There is nothing wrong with someone who can make a few dollars after putting in their time working for the best interest of their race. If anything it's encouraged. Make yourself financially bulletproof to the Jewish forces who will economically terrorize you and leave your children to starve. But for fucks sake, please don't use people to build an audience and get rich then throw them under the bus as a bunch of "kooks."

He's terrified of someone calling him a racist, which they're going to do anyway, so he totally alienates the people who he marketing his books towards. He cucked each and every one of us White idiots who was stupid enough to think that finally after years of pushing the issue, someone from the mainstream, or just outside of it, has come to our rescue and will get this most pressing issue of the 20th and 21st centuries into a national discussion. 

You're an asshole if you bought one of this fraud's books. You, if you're willing to admit it, thought "Rush Lite" was going to come and save the day when all along he was in it to make those shekels and appease his semitic bosses at WND. 

I should add that Colin blocked me after I pushed the issue: are you doing this for dem shekels or are you doing this because you care about the young White women who are raped and murdered by these feral creatures every day or the young White boys who are set on fire?

Then his defense to not being pro-White despite cucking us for the shekels is that "anonymous" or nameless people are the ones who are criticizing him. Colin let me let you in on some history and perspective.

You're no pioneer. For decades going back to people like David Duke who has been thrown in prison and entrapped by governments for speaking the truth on Jewish and racial issues. He gave up his life for this cause. For years now Alex Linder of VNN has been blazing a fire path through all of this Jew manipulation and Christard Kosher cuckolding of conservatism while addressing the nature of the Black beast in America. Hell, Kyle Rogers had to disappear himself so far as we know for spending hours upon hours bringing light to the extent of Black-on-White crime and building from scratch one of the largest pro-White websites in the world. The national media and I'm sure the FBI was on him like a fly on dog feces for a month after that asshole in Charleston went bonkers.

Sure, you got all of these endorsements from Magic Negroes like Thomas Sowell and Col. Allen West (who pandered to a White district in Florida just to go and join the CBC when he got elected) and major news papers but the question must be asked: what the FUCK are any of them doing about it now? Your "bringing attention" to the issues haven't done a fucking thing aside from making you richer!

Colin, the fact of the matter is that you're an asshole who found himself a little niche of "white supremacist kooks" and semi-racialist conservatives who were willing to fork over 15 bucks to you for documenting savage crimes that many pioneers before you already did with mega consequence. You're the kind of guy who if one of these creatures kicked in your door to rape you're wife you'd hide in a corner without and "rancor" and then write a book about it to make money.

Actually no, we're probably the assholes for buying your books and any pro-White who does from now on is quite literally supporting the enemy.