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5 Points That Must Be Addressed During Any "Race Conversation"

In Obama's America we frequently hear the call for a "dialogue on race." This idea that will never happen of course, at least not until hate speech laws are instituted in America so White people can not freely speak their mind, present data and apply common sense. The idea that some day a panel of people will meet at some sort of office conference table and discuss the issues of race and address the failures of integration, multiculturalism and mass non-White immigration will never happen.

But just in case it should some day, let this list serve as a checklist of talking points.

1. Why Do Negroes Refuse To Become "American."

American Negroes refuse to take part in the American dream and the larger American experience and have for decades. They have positioned themselves as outsiders and have progressively held a more adversarial attitude towards Whites and the fruits Western Civilization on the North American continent has provided them. Namely, not drinking AIDS water and dying of extremely treatable ailments like starvation and fevers. The plan to abort slavery and repatriate them to Africa was nixed and the calls of Marcus Garvey to return to the motherland went unanswered so we must assume they are staying here for one reason or another -- but it is not to "become an America." 

Why oh why have American Negroes positioned themselves this way? Actually, a better question may be why oh why have the Jews positioned them this way? Could it be because the United States is pretty much the only country to this point that the Jews have not been expelled from? 

Instead they will play the game of identity politics with a most obvious goal of eventually massacring or enslaving every remaining White person. Large and part, Negroes have done n-o-t-h-i-n-g to become a part of America. Those Negroes who have are chastised as "Uncle Tom's" or are in the running for the Republican Party nomination for the 2016 Presidential Election.

2. The South is Not a "Racist" Place, Major Metro Areas Are.

One of the more striking things to me in recent memory is my recent awareness pertaining to the lack of racial awareness in the south. For the most part, much of your "Dixie" is not what the Erasers of our civilization would call "racist." They get along well with Negroes down there and even have a great deal of love for their people of African descent who endorse conservative politics and things like the Confederate Flag. Look no further than the video above.

3. Racism and "White Privilege" Are Total Horse Manure.

Despite what your Jewish social science professor is lecturing about, there is no organized system of White supremacy conspiring toe oppress downtrodden "minorities." There is also no such thing as "White privilege." Nor is there such a thing as "racism." If these three things were anything other than something professor Mordecai Schmurlerberg pulled out of his rectum, non-Whites would not literally be illegal burrowing into this country to be oppressed. It is what you call a logical fallacy. 

Non-Whites have systems of oppression in Africa, North and South America, and Asia. They have totalitarian regimes that control every aspect of these people's lives and are riddled with corruption so badly that the United States calls itself the land of the free and it is true in comparison! Non-Whites have systems of supremacy, oppression, and privilege. Not Whites. If it weren't for our altruism the non-White would would have no where to go.

4. The Jews are Not White.

Despite what you may think, you cannot be a member of two races at one time or any time. Sorry, that means you too, Rachel Dolezal. 

The Jews are a very unique people who are both a race and a religion. Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are genetically, biologically Jewish with inheritable Jewish traits. Amongst them are Tay Sachs and "chosenness." The Jews are Jews when they are applauding themselves for giving non-Whites extra and distinct rights and protections that are not afforded to Whites. Nobody ever says that the Jews who have created the "Civil Rights" movement were White, with arrogance they take credit for their actions and they say they are Jews! There is also the whole "thou shalt not have any holocausts greater than mine" commandment of holocaustianity. Forget the Poles and White Russians, the "chosen" people were far more important, you know. The owners of the television media, Hollywood, the print media, radio media, and much of professional sports are not White, they are Jews. A very  distinct and elite class of people who rule above all the goyim black, White or brown.

5. Whites Are the Only Group Not Identity Politicking.

Much like number 3, there is not an elite cadre of Whites conspiring for their own interests. In fact, the White elite have betrayed us for the interests of the almighty dollar, the international banking system, Israel and political correctness. Case and point: Mitt Romney does not give a flying fuck about a future for White children. Nor does George Bush. Nor did Ronald Reagan. Nor does Jeb Bush. Guess what, nobody you see on the mainstream media gives a crap about the future your children will inherit in a non-White, third-world cesspool full of crime, drugs and corruption.

To be a non-White is to be granted permission by the Erasers of our culture to proactively pursue your own best interests and the best interest of your larger community at the expense of the former White majority. 

What else need be addressed in the "race conversation?" Let me know below!

The Disturbing Non-White Reaction to Cartels Death Threats Against the Donald

From TMZ

After future President of the United States Donald Trump discussed the invasion of the United States by Mexicans and the Mexican government, the rats in the Jew media ran with his accurate comments about quality of the parasites overtaking our country and spun them into conflated rantings. 

Now the Donald has come out strong about the escape of a prison through a one mile long tunnel (!!!)  by Mexican drug king pin "El Chapo" the filthy bean-eating vermin in America are actually rooting for the death of the Donald. Recall in a post earlier today we alluded to the fact that Negroes refuse to become Americans. The same applies to these short and sweaty brown scum. She must have tied a record for using terms out of the social justice warrior stylebook in a row.

Here is the reaction from a TMZ article operated by Jewish Butt-fucker Harvey Levin:

From Kate:
"Donald Trump, you crazy man messed up with the wrong people. The Sleeping Giant (Latinos) finally woke up. Donald Trump is an ignorant bigoted hateful man who’s insufferable campaign turns the stomachs of any thoughtful person living in this country today."

She must have tied a record for using terms out of the social justice warrior stylebook in a row.

From hi_i'm_me:
"We should send white people back to England. Damn white minorities trying to take our jobs and committing crimes are ruining this country."

Clearly the drug problem is because of "White junkies" according to the next commenter

From Mo $$:

"Mexican Cartels are the ones bringing in drugs to this country, however, you must remember the drug industry is based on supply and demand. You whites demand them they will supply, so if whites weren't such junkies this midget drug dealer would be out of a job. No????"

"25 percent vs white people's 40. So if you have 100 welfare recipients 40 would be white 25 will be black so who's the real parasites? So what if black make up only 13 of the population whites are still the majority taking your tax dollar"

But if you told him that Whites are responsible for 4 times the tax revenue of any other race in America he'd scoff and say you're a racist. 

From FlowEz:
Trump is a joke and racist ! I hope he does end up missing .. Anyone that will vote if he even gets that far is a joke"

"Hungry...found crackers in my cabinet. Thew them to the floor and stepped on them nasty things. Then let the dog lick the mess up. Opps flagged again for eating crackers."

To me, it's just ironic how a scum who killed countless Mexicans with his violence and drugs is being hailed as a hero by these retards. But he wants Trump's head and that is good enough for them.

      Know Your Enemy: The 5 Types of White Liberal Men

      There are a few types of liberal White males that exist and today we're going to cover five of them. They are creepy, they are emotional, they are illogical and they all play an important role in erasing us.

      The most integral part of the struggle for White survival is for you to understand who your enemy is and then study them; know them like the back side of your hand. Understand the way they think to make yourself a more formidable debater. Understand how to exploit the loopholes, double-standards, and fallacy in their emotional pleas to erase the White race from planet earth.

      Now here we are, the five types of White liberal men. 

      1. The Blue Pill Beta Male.
      These are the kinds of men who you find identifying as feminists because they think it'll get them laid. Little do they know women really aspire to be with an Alpha male. Perhaps that is why the majority of feminists have rape fantasies to the point they invent terms like "rape culture." Nonetheless, these men typically surround themselves with social justice warrior White females with multicolored hair, nose piercings and oversized eyeglasses and kowtow to their social outrage causes.

      2. The White Husband Who Gets Off Watching His Wife Bang Black Guys.
      These types of White liberals are particularly gross. The problem they have is more or less rooted in a serious psychological disease that stems from an addiction to hardcore pornography. They need to find something more and more taboo and the only thing they can eventually achieve satisfaction on is by abusing themselves by handing their wives, and sometimes daughters, off to Black men. They also have an inherent inferiority complex. They buy into the Jewish poison that White men are inferior sexual providers to their women as propagated in the Jewish media commercials, television shows, movies and music. A part of this, particularly among the younger generation of White communists is as some sort of penance for the since of their "racist ancestors." Seriously, there is a whole corner of the internet dedicated to this filth. They aren't open about their hatred for White people but you can bet they were amongst the first to line up to vote for Barack Obama, twice.

      3. The Academic White Communist.
      Under any other circumstances like not having wealthy parents, they would have become a gutter rat ANTIFA activist. But their parents who have worked hard their entire lives to accumulate a savings account and send their kids to university end up with a child who get indoctrinated in "gender studies" and "white privilege" sociology classes. They buy the malarkey of their Jewish communist professors who are burnouts from the 1960s hippie movement.  Bring it all down, man. They use words and phrases like "structural racism" and "white privilege" and express particular concern about "rape culture." He may even go so far as to post pictures to his Tumblr and Twitter accounts of himself holding up sharpie markered signs saying "this is what a feminist looks like" or notes about his "White skin privilege." What these people do is regurgitate the kind of far-left nonsense that their professors teach them. They live so well, their life is so great, they have so many opportunities that they need to find something wrong with the world and adhere to neo-Marxist nonsense. 

      4. The Union Worker.

      I'm having a hard time with this one simply because it is tough to consider drywall hangers, carpenters, painters, plumbers and other craftsmen as "liberal" by the 2015 standard. Your average unionized contractor more than likely does not want his daughter marrying Tyrone and certainly does not buy into the "White Privilege" bullshit but for all intents and purposes he is as dangerous to the future of the White race as number's 1-3 on our list and I'll tell you why. The union worker primarily votes Democrat and by default liberal for purely economic reasons. Whether you realize it or not, the "union thug" who votes blue to save his pension and platinum health benefits and 6 weeks of vacation is almost as harmful to White society as the ghetto waste in the Section 8 housing development who is eating McDonalds, smoking Newports and drinking Miller High Life on your dime. Would you believe these two people are voting alongside these people? The sheer greed of many White males to vote such a way to preserve their own arbitrary wealth has been and continues to be devastating and will ultimately be what gets Hilary Clinton elected in 2016. Sure, voting Republican would send his son to fight Israel's wars but holy cow, you can thank this type of White liberal for Barack Obama.

      5. The One Who Is Starting to Get It.

      There comes a time when every man has to take a long, hard look in the mirror and answer to himself. There is undoubtedly a contingent of well-intentioned White male liberals who realize that no matter how much Social Justice Warrioring around they do they will still be considered the ultimate scum of society. All of the men on this list, perhaps with the exception of number two who is who he is because of childhood abuse and perverted pornography addiction, will in due time realize that they just aren't welcomed and certainly aren't needed anymore. The feminists truly hate men so they no longer need the pity points since enough of the idiots in America believe in farces like "rape culture" and "gender inequality." The campus chapter of the Black Panthers and Muslim Brotherhood will capitalize on the emotionality of White women and no longer need White men to kiss their ass. The mass expanding non-White population in America will be enough to get Democrats elected and the pensions of union workers will be unfunded liabilities and the first thing to go when the shit hits the fan.

      You can bet your bottom dollar that a ton of White liberal males of all ages in all corners of the United States are starting to take long and hard look at the lunacy of the world around them. They're evaluating all of the time they have wasted being a Social Justice Warrior and eventually take that step toward being a conservative with a brain instead of a conservative with no heart. 

      Did I miss a type of White liberal male? Let me know in the comment section below.

      HNIC: Whitey, Your White Neighborhood Can No Longer Be White

      White Genocide has officially been declared by President Mandela... I mean President Barack Hussein Obama. He has decided that it must be mandatory that White neighborhoods no longer be White neighborhoods anymore and that the Federal, Feral government must  force non-Whites into their neighborhoods. The video was posted to the official White House YouTube channel.

      This is perhaps the biggest scandal of them all. The worst part? The right-wing mass media won't be standing up for what is right on this one. We're on our own.

      Here are some of the responses the video received.
      "LOL, we've been trying this for decades. The diversity moves in, then the area turns to crap. All the evil white racist right-wing extremist Klan members move out. They get blamed for the problems in the area, then the government once again moves diversity in with evil racist whitey so they can be oppressed again."

      "so I work 2 jobs, my wife runs a business and we are now racists because a bum on welfare can not afford to live where we live?"

      "Oh cool, so my nice suburb gets to be infested with hoodrats and gangbangers to meet an unrealistic code set forth by this president."

      ""Making our communties stronger" Because forcing racial integration has scientifically been proven to work and the universe runs on wishful thinking."

      "Good, lets move a lot of black people into all the senators and congressmen's neighborhoods first, i'm sure they'd be fine with that right guys???"

      "I'd love to see the look on white Liberal faces when they drop section 8 housing into their communities. Then we'll see how much the left loves diversity. LOL!"

      "Wow looks as though there going to be another huge white flight event. Problem is there's no where left to go anymore. Obama want one huge American ghetto."

      "lmao people voted for this guy"

      "Of course all of this is merely a thinly veiled, racist attack on the mostly white, middle class Americans.
      Obama wants to use our tax dollars to move ghetto blacks into nice neighborhoods, thus making our neighborhoods less safe, and lowering our property values.
      Whites will always pick up and leave and move to a new area when too many blacks move in. There's nothing anyone can do to change that. White folk want to keep their neighborhoods looking nice, which means they can't have too many blacks around to fuck their neighborhoods up"

      6 Common Sense Safety Tips for White People in 2015 America

      The dangers of a culturally pluralistic society are evident each and every single day. To understand multiculturalism is to live in multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a program of White racial genocide. The over arching desire of the erasers of our people and our civilization will inundate us with mass non-White immigration in all of our superior countries until we all become third world cesspools remnant of Brazil or on the more extreme side of the spectrum: South Africa.

      The dangers of the "diverse" people will not be silenced by political correctness, Negro fiction, or social justice warriors on this blog. Hence, here are some tips I have decided to post for Whites to be safe while going through the motions of every day life in Al Sharpton's America of racial outrage.

      1. Own a Firearm.

      There is no excuse for a White person living in a country Presided by a half-Black Muslim who takes every opportunity to enflame dim-witted scum against us. The racial dregs of society attached to the emotionally driven beatification of thugs use every opportunity to attach Whites. You need not be one of those Whites. 

      2. Avoid Public Transit

      For about 4 years in the early 2000s before I was a father I lived in a major metropolitan city now known for its major Negro crime problem. Taking busses and trains are a great part of living in a big city. It's a way to save on the extreme costs of owning a car, which on average is much higher in a big city due to congestion and the number of drivers on the road. But time after time the coloreds were mugging, robbing, and beating people. To be quite honest, it was a good week to see only 2-3 fights a week during your commute. Lack of impulse control could be to blame and thankfully I avoided any major trouble during this period of my life mostly due to my early work hours.

      3. Use discriminate eyes while outdoors,
      wear an intimidating face.
      A feral savage will be less likely to attack you if you have that "don't fuck with me face" on. It's plain and simple. Look over your shoulder fairly often and let them know you're aware they are there.

      4. Avoid going to "that part of town." 

      As Whites, we must realize that we are simply not permitted to be in certain towns. I guess it is due to "White privilege." Any reason you find to go to your local Marcus Garvey Boulevard can be avoided. There is something like that specific place or damn near close to it within driving distance. Avoid it. The creatures will start with you or accost, especially if you are a woman. You will be like the White man who comes to Africa to bring vaccines and the swarm of little Africans surrounds you with their hands out. Here or there, some things are universal.

      5. Avoid entering a vulnerable state when in a multiracial area.

      Going to a bar near the local ghetto is a bad idea. Predators are known to prey on Whites who cannot defend themselves as well as they would if they were operating at 100%. Also, do not allow yourself to go to particular areas should you be tired, especially when you are with your family. If you are a White woman this is particularly important. 

      6. Get a smart phone with a viable video camera.

      Recently I blogged about the White police officer Ron Arlint in Trinidad Colorado. Arlint was saved by a body camera. He killed a vile Negro Todd Jamal, or whatever his name was, who pointed a loaded gun at him when the officer told him to cross his legs and put his hands in the air.
      Had he not been equipped with a camera all of the writers and protestors of Negro fiction would have said that the raysis police planted a gun on him and how he was a gentle giant who dinnnet do nuffin.
      The same threat is made against you. White people cannot defend themselves against colored criminals without the fear of being called a racist or it being called a "racially motivated attack." Should you be in these types of situations in the future you can hit the record button on your phone and have the incident on video or at the very least recorded on audio. Protect yourself.

      There are only a few tips that Whites can deploy to make the difficulties of living in a multiracial society a little easier. Above all, arm yourselves with knowledge and deploy situational awareness during 100% of your woken moments. Don't be stupid, be safe.

      If you have any other safety tips, please share them in the comments below.

      Trayvon Avoided: Body Cam Shows White Cop Shot Black Who Pulled Gun on Him

      The city of Trinidad, Colorado should take a collective gasp now that they know a White police
      officer who shot and killed a Black miscreant was in the right after looking down the barrel of an escapee's gun.

      Now the anti-Whites, Black extremists, and swine alike will not be able to claim the gun was planted and "dat boy din do noffins."

      In 2015, body cams on police officers have no reason not to be mandatory. Small lapel cameras that should only allow audio (not video) recordings on them to be muted while not conducting police (private conversations with partners etc) duties and video only shut off while using the rest room need to be mandatory because Whites are being erased from the police force by the "Black Lies Matter" movement. Another White life will not be ruined. White children will NOT be without their father. A White wife will not now have to sleep alone.

      Sure there may be a bad cop here and there that does indeed take the law into her own hands but the overwhelming amount of cops are good people who risk their lives every day for public safety. They are normal civilians trying to provide for their families in the most admirable of ways.

      Below is the footage that saved officer Ron Arlint who was responding to a call about a trespasser in a vacant trailer. There, he encountered prison escapee and bona fide negroid Todd Jamal Dye, a 20-year-old YOUUUUTH.

      Sorry, scum. You won't be able to end the life of a White man in America. We're sending you back to the God of watermelons. At least the taxpayer won't have to give this scum free meals anymore.

      Full link here http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b4d_1436156187