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This Anti-Cuckservative Commentator Deserves a Standing Ovation

The most legendary comment of all time appeared on the internet following a smear article by the rapidly declining "Daily Caller" which now regularly posts about pop culture nonsense such as Bruce Jenner's mudshark daughter wearing a shirt that says "eat me out." No, I'm not making...

A Must- Read "Racist's" Review of MTV's "White People" Documentary

On Wednesday July the 22nd MTV aired it's documentary "White People" created by homosexual illegal alien Jose Antonio Vargas, who by the way has admitted to using a false social security card. The part of this whole nonsense that was important will be revealed at the end of this...

White Kids for Trump vs. Black Kids for Obama

I recently came across an interesting bit of video that I believe truly ends the "racial superiority" debate. For far too long Whites have been afraid to say: "we're better than them, duh!" Instead, White weaklings say "well, I only want to pursue my own interests and they can...