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Negroes Now Positing Statue of Liberty Was Originally Black

The widespread erasing of our culture has now spread to our statues and national monuments. Santa Claus is really a negroe, as it Jesus Christ and the tooth fairy but it doesn't stop there. #LMFAO Organized negrodom is now positing that the original Statute of Liberty was actually...

Why I Still Don't Feel Bad Over the Charleston Killings

We're at  the two week mark of the Charleston Church killings by Dylann Roof and for some reason or another I cannot find a shred of sympathy within me. I have seen the funeral of the pastor, I've seen the vigils outside the church, I've seen the media frenzy and fallout targeting...

HuffPost Jew Tells You "White Identity Offers Nothing"

It is time for you to ask yourself a very serious question: Why are Jews, the "chosen people of god" at the forefront of and so obsessed with marginalizing and castigating white, pan-European identity at every opportunity? Seriously. Almost all subversive communist organizations...

I Have An Idea of Who Is Burning Down "Black Churches"

Since the killings in Charleston by Confederate flag appreciating Dylann Roof, there have been six "black churches" that been set ablaze and I have a good idea of who is doing it. Anti-white media, academia, and professional victims are in full force following the killings in...

Donald Trump: Now The Perfect Face of Angry White America

The Great White Hope On Monday June 29th 2015, Donald J. Trump was welcomed into an exclusive club: the fired white male against political correctness and colonization of America club. Trump was recently "fired" from NBC after pointing out the quality of immigrants from south...

Why the Nationwide Legalization of Gay Marriage is a Faaabulous Thing For White Society!

On Friday June the 26th in the year 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that it is a constitutional right for two men who penetrate each other's rectums and women who insert battery operated devices in each other to have the option of being married. Here is why it...

Why Blacks Are Allowed "Black Churches" and Awards but Whites Are Not

When the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston South Carolina was the venue of a racial massacre a phrase was repeatedly referenced in the media. "Historically Black Church." The same notion is pushed with places like colleges. We have all heard about the "historically Black College...

Kyle Rogers: A Benign American Maverick & His Effect on Our News

In a day in age where feelings come before facts and social convenience comes before social honesty, Kyle Rogers is blazing through the "time of universal deceit." Perhaps the tackiest thing of them all is the overuse of a particular quote. They end up on t-shirts, buttons, website...