I Have An Idea of Who Is Burning Down "Black Churches"
Since the killings in Charleston by Confederate flag appreciating Dylann Roof, there have been six
"black churches" that been set ablaze and I have a good idea of who is doing it.
I firmly believe that the Jews and their subversive organizations are committing the arson of these "black churches" in an attempt to reign in more shekels through their fundraising appeals. These are for profit non-profit organizations that invest cash in off shore bank accounts to accumulate interest and expand their wealth.
Anti-white media, academia, and professional victims are in full force following the killings in the name of black-on-white rape, crime, and terrorism. The media is on a a full court press to erase whites, our culture, and our history from existence. The most common tool they the erasers of the Western World deploy is portraying harmless and socially functional whites as terrorists and negroes as lovely socialized individuals.
So who is burning the churches? I have an idea...
The only other suggestion I can offer as to who is doing it may be equally possible and that is down trodden negroes who operate the churches themselves. The only apprehension I have to putting this theory first is the seeming organization of these fires. One church is unfortunate, two is a coincidence, three is a conspiracy. It is entirely possible that one negroe pastor set his church on fire to claim insurance for renovations and to solicit more donations and then another one said it was a great idea and did it himself and so the dominoes fell.
Recall that this behavior is not without precedent. Negroes has been creating negro fiction hoaxes for quite a while. Here are just a few examples:
There are endless more.
The fact of the matter is that White people simply do not do these kinds of things. At least not at the rate that negroes fake these "hate incidents." The worst part of this whole interracial hate crime dynamic is that should a white person have been frame for these crimes they would have likely been subject to federal hate crime statutes and spent nearly 30-40 years in prison whereas the hate hoaxers often get off with a slap on the wrist.
So don't hold your breath worrying that a white person is running around burning down "black churches" because they aren't. This is what we call fundraising via self-imposed arson.