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I am a 30-something year old married white father from Idaho who has sat back and watched the deterioration of our world since my days in high school.

I have lived in a few places throughout my life.

For now, I will tell you that you can sum my personality up in the following sentence:

"Buster Himen does not give a Philadelphia flying fuck about trans women of color."

The issue that has pushed me over the edge to begin writing a blog is the Charleston Church killings. Jew owned websites that treat Coloreds as their personal pets have consistently demanded that Whites answer for the actions of some kook who was just a bit too fed up with the world around him. Salon.com is one of them that comes to mind. They simultaneously kiss Muslim ass and say individual Muslim savages committing acts of terrorism do not represent Muslims, but Whites do!

Sorry, I've had enough and I just won't take it anymore. I will write my thoughts on this blog.

To be clear, I have never had a negro "Stealzzz muh gurl, yo." Nor has a negro ever beaten me up or anything humiliating. I have had plenty of experiences throughout my life that have made the truth evident to me.

I do not think it is useful to say what I am and what I am not. So let me save you the type, with some satire.  I am an evil White racist and a "radical right" blogger. Eat my ass.

I will write in more detail on this page in due time but for now, enjoy my thoughts.

*Instead of preparing a formal about me, I am going to just keep updating this page as I see things come along.

Shoot me an e-mail. Feel free to be a self-righteous White Social Justice Warrior who just has to write me an e-mail telling me what a disgusting, hateful, retrograde human being I am to feel better about themselves because their parents paid attention to their younger siblings more than them or something. Or you can be Black and stupid with a fake e-mail address falsely telling me that "yo man, i beez muh dikkkin yaw wife n sit!" Or be cool and just share something interesting with me!
