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My View On Violence

I guess it never hurts to have a disclaimer on this website to make my positions on this legal matter crystal clear. 


That thing that I can get thrown in jail for inciting, that think you can get thrown in jail for carrying out.

I'm not going to shy away from talking about violence, violent behavior, direct action or any of the other synonyms you can use to describe it. 

The reason isn't because I want you to go out and commit acts of violence because the truth of the matter is that I do not care or don't want you to. I will not direct you to commit violence. My posts should not inspire you to commit violent acts. 

Violence is a fact of life. Violence is a part of history. Violence is a means to an end.

The people who want to control our minds have mottos. Among them are "diversity is our greatest strength" and "violence is not the answer." Both aren't true. 

Violence is the only answer. 

I know even saying that makes you uncomfortable because you're so used to hearing the contrary. You're used to hearing your favorite right-wingers "disavowing" individual senseless acts of violence.

But the fact of the matter is that violence gets things done. FDR invaded Europe for the reasons he did. George Bush(s) invaded Iraq to carry out their objectives. The Crusades were violent and necessary to beat back Islam. 

I'm going to talk about violence not because I secretly want people who read my posts to go beat up people who aren't White or Jews or sexual degenerates. I'm going to talk about violence because it is inevitable whether I talk about it or not. 

Whether the White race survives or dies there will be violence. There'll be violence committed against Whites by the flood tide of mud races who are going to exterminate us or there will be violence by a White resistance force fighting for their survival.

To say when that'll will be would be complete speculation. I'll be in this half of the century though, that's for sure. 

So let it be said: any act of violence you want to commit or are planning to commit should not happen. There's no point. It won't effect any change. Don't do it. 

I also do not talk to the police. Local or federal.