Kyle Rogers: A Benign American Maverick & His Effect on Our News
In a day in age where feelings come before facts and social convenience comes before social honesty, Kyle Rogers is blazing through the "time of universal deceit."
Perhaps the tackiest thing of them all is the overuse of a particular quote. They end up on t-shirts, buttons, website banners, and sometimes even on people's skin as ink. But every now and then a quote can be put in its proper context and the time for a famous Orwell quote has never been more appropriate.
Race revolution?
Wow, imagine that! Imagine doing nothing more than pointing out inconvenient facts, with next to no opinionated inflammation, coming under such intense scrutiny that your image becomes recognizable by millions worldwide in one news cycle.
Perhaps the tackiest thing of them all is the overuse of a particular quote. They end up on t-shirts, buttons, website banners, and sometimes even on people's skin as ink. But every now and then a quote can be put in its proper context and the time for a famous Orwell quote has never been more appropriate.
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Race revolution?
That is what happened to Kyle Rogers, a leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens and the webmaster behind Conservative Headlines. Rogers, so benign in actions, could even be accused of lazy journalism for literally writing next to nothing on so many his posts and merely just linking to an embedded video. That is the "revolutionary act" Orwell warned us about.
Is Rogers' headline "CNN host confesses: PC has become dangerous" any less controversial or true than another headline "Racially motivated attempted murder in Pleasant Ridge, Ohio?"
The answer is no. The answer is no because both are factual statements and thus not controversial headlines. Don Lemon did allude to political correctness becoming dangerous and a Black male did attempt to murder a White person in what is undeniably a racially motivated attack.
Rogers is a source of contextualized information. Many of times the Jewish-controlled media will omit the race of perpetrators and victims in violent crime news coverage. With the advent of independent internet journalism black-on-white crime still goes unreported because of the small town news crime reports without names or pictures. Kyle highlights many of the national crimes and still cannot get to them all through no fault of his own.
The fact of the matter is that Kyle Rogers is being used as a patsy by the social justice warriors and erasers of our culture and existence. The internet is the last bastion of untampered free-speech that breaks through media monopolies to disseminate contextualized information to otherwise unaware readers. Pandora's box has been busted wide open and the media is going to use Kyle as its test case to shut it all down.
Independent internet news contextualization will now be viewed as that "dirty part of the web" that has "no place in the twenty-first century" and be subject to regulation and even suspension as we are seeing with the Confederate flag. Just as the flag is being erased along with our existence, so will the reporting of the savage attacks against our people at the hands of black miscreants who continue to terrorize us.
Have no doubt, every time a colored reprobate murders, rapes, robs one of our own they are doing it specifically because the domesticated white American poses no resistance, no threat, no obstacle to their ongoing terrorism and need for immediate satisfaction. That alone makes it racially motivated.
Twenty-first century America needs Kyle Rogers. American Whites need Kyle Rogers. The benign revolution of information needs Kyle Rogers.