CNN Race "Expert" Literally Calls For Genocide of American Whites
During the epic explosion of mass violence by exclusively negro's in Ferguson in 2014 there was something extremely peculiar about the Jewish media coverage of the event.
When chaos breaks out, there really is only one station to turn to to see a situation unfold and that is CNN, lead by Jewish President Jeff Zucker. While we would recommend abstinence from watching mainstream media channels, CNN is the place to go when the blacks "chimp out" as long as you make use of your mute button.
Before becoming the President CNN Worldwide in 2013, Jeff Zucker was creating the debacle of late night television programming and ruining NBC Universal's primetime lineup. He has since graduated to leading CNN in becoming the premier television programming specializing in anti-white hatred.
CNN was once billed as the last legitimate news source on cable television. To the right of MSNBC and to the left of FoxNews. Now, CNN has a cast of characters who root on cop killers, incessantly race-bait, and serve as apologists for destroyers.
Now back to the Ferguson riots.
In the midst of truly captivating coverage of the summer riots, the anchors and reporters getting tear-gassed (oy vey) and pushed around by militarized police, there was one person in particular who was being looked to as an "expert" along side long-time anti-white Marc Lamont Hill and that person was Malik Abdul Shabazz.
His voice was instantaneously recognizable and his appearance unforgettable. Between exaggerated coughs of Jew Jake Tapper, Shabazz, now of the "Black Lawyers for Justice," was playing peace keeper. Wait-- Black Lawyers for Justice? That's not the Shabazz I know!
As it turns out, CNN was deliberately using a domestic terrorist from the New Black Panther Party, a group that implores American negroes to "kill white babies" and "bomb white nurseries" along with "killing little Johnnies and Penelopies," as an legitimate source of Black coverage.
No, we're not talking about someone in a crowd of hundreds having a microphone put in their mouth, we're talking about someone who gets multiple segments across multiple days with their own wired-up microphone and IFB getting a handshake from a CNN anchor and being referred to as "Mr. Shabazz."
At this point, there is no more to write, nothing more to articulate except one question. One question that CNN and Jeff Zucker, Jake Tapper, Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo must answer. Why did you think it was okay to give the domestic terrorist in the video below at least an hour of air time represented as a legitimate source?
When chaos breaks out, there really is only one station to turn to to see a situation unfold and that is CNN, lead by Jewish President Jeff Zucker. While we would recommend abstinence from watching mainstream media channels, CNN is the place to go when the blacks "chimp out" as long as you make use of your mute button.
Before becoming the President CNN Worldwide in 2013, Jeff Zucker was creating the debacle of late night television programming and ruining NBC Universal's primetime lineup. He has since graduated to leading CNN in becoming the premier television programming specializing in anti-white hatred.
CNN was once billed as the last legitimate news source on cable television. To the right of MSNBC and to the left of FoxNews. Now, CNN has a cast of characters who root on cop killers, incessantly race-bait, and serve as apologists for destroyers.
Now back to the Ferguson riots.
His voice was instantaneously recognizable and his appearance unforgettable. Between exaggerated coughs of Jew Jake Tapper, Shabazz, now of the "Black Lawyers for Justice," was playing peace keeper. Wait-- Black Lawyers for Justice? That's not the Shabazz I know!
As it turns out, CNN was deliberately using a domestic terrorist from the New Black Panther Party, a group that implores American negroes to "kill white babies" and "bomb white nurseries" along with "killing little Johnnies and Penelopies," as an legitimate source of Black coverage.

At this point, there is no more to write, nothing more to articulate except one question. One question that CNN and Jeff Zucker, Jake Tapper, Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo must answer. Why did you think it was okay to give the domestic terrorist in the video below at least an hour of air time represented as a legitimate source?