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Erasers Move to Abolish Southern History & Confederate Flag

Following the aggressive and murderous actions by Dylann Roof of Charleston, South Carolina the Erasers of our culture are capitalizing on the fringe idea to eradicate the Confederate flag from existence.

Many of the photos of Roof featured a Confederate flag, a long-time symbol of Southern North Americans. As a result of this the movement to have the flag removed from commerce websites eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Sears and others. Technology giant Apple, known to use capital which essentially amounts to slave labor has also taken the step to remove all American Civil War games from its application store because they feature the Confederate flag.

Ironically the moves will only benefit mom and pop capitalism ,as much smaller websites and stores who have been run out of business by large websites and chains like Amazon and Walmart, will be the only providers of the flags.

They key here is that the Erasers are hell-bent on replacing anything remotely associated with us and our culture. It shall be demonized as supremacy and hatred as the new, colorful and diverse American class replaces us.

Leading the charge is South Carolina Governor Nimrata Randhawa, better known as Nikki Haley.
Haley is what we will call "situationily white." She's white when she wants to be, particularly around election season when she is courting the votes of Confederate Flag-loving, Southern patriots.

Haley is a true testament to the larger mental illness only present within the American political class. While I hold no academic or clinical credentials, there must be a combination of narcissistic and multiple personality disorders that the sell-out politicians suffer from; or should I say that we suffer from?

Surrounded by a a conglomerate of professional negro victims and professional Jewish agitators, Haley delivered the following speech calling for the removal of all Confederate flags from government property.