Here Is Why Taxis Drive Past Negro Hailers

A video has surfaced on YouTube featuring a pack of cigarette-smoking negroes repeatedly smacking a Brooklyn Uber driver and eventually putting him in a headlock and choking him.
At one point of the video one of the colored reprobates moves to the other side of the vehicle to get a better angle of his fellow scum beating on the driver. Full of chokes, laughs, smacks, and Newport menthols the following video is guaranteed to disturb all.
I can imagine this incident started with the driver shouting (read in Paki accent): "Youuuu not smoke cigarette in myyyy carr!!" From there the feral negroes, not teens but feral negroes, proceeded to menace and batter a guy trying to earn an honest living.
So the next time some high-yellow communist with an afro the diameter of a small planet starts bitching about coloreds and cabs, keep this video handy.