HuffPost Jew Tells You "White Identity Offers Nothing"
It is time for you to ask yourself a very serious question: Why are Jews, the "chosen people of god" at the forefront of and so obsessed with marginalizing and castigating white, pan-European identity at every opportunity?
Seriously. Almost all subversive communist organizations have Jewish leadership, were funded by
Jews, have Jews working for them, or are funded by Jewish shekels. What is their major obsession with the erasing of white Western civilization? Why do they go to every length to promulgate the notions of "white privilege" and other asinine destructive pseudosociological piles of horse dung?
The only answer I can think of is that they hate us cause they ain't us. Their long history of subversiveness, usury, and parasitism is a part of their "Jewish Identity." Whites have been conquerors, innovators, builders, explorers, artists, discoverers and so much more. What have Jews done besides be rabble rousers, inventing the cost of money, manipulating economies, creating the grievance industry, destroying Westernized cultures with immigration, pornography, and minimalizing the contributions of the White Western Man?
The only thing saving the Jews from expulsion at this point is the American Southern Christ-tards who unequivocally stand "with Is'ril" like Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, John Hagee and the other Christian Zionists.
That brings us to the newest Jew was must all watch closely: Ian Reifowitz.
Reifowitz in his Huffington Post article writes:
"Although Dylann Roof is apparently an extreme example, we do have an identity crisis among many white Americans. This is particularly true for those whose families have lost a connection to any ancestral, ethnic heritage. When they ask themselves, "What am I?," the answer "white" carries little to nothing in terms of sustaining, nourishing content."
He goes on to write:
"What if, instead of the emptiness that whiteness offers, whites -- along with everyone else in this country -- identified in a meaningful way as members of the American community? What if we made a real effort to cultivate not merely patriotism -- which is a bond between the individual and the state -- but an inclusive sense of Americanness that connects individual Americans to one another? This collective feeling must be built around an idea of America and a narrative of our story that truly reflects the experiences of Americans of every background."
That's right, White people offer nothing, emptiness. We should embrace the violence that feral negroes in Baltimore, Ferguson, and other "diverse" cities across the country offer us. We should engage in the inter-family rape that South Americans engage in while eating the diet of domesticated animals of the far East.
The real question here is: why is it that only America and other nominally "White countries" are cultural organisms constantly evolving? Nobody tells Iranians or Saudi Arabians that they must import millions of immigrants of a different race, culture, and ethnicity and adapt to the experience of them. Nobody tells Israel to adapt to the culture and customs of Ethiopians and other Africans who are residing within Israel.
In the case of America, I can only assume that this goes back to notion of America being a land of immigrants when in fact it is a land of citizens. Immigrant is not something that is inherited, it is something that dies in the immigrating generation. I, for example who have ancestors dating back to the late 1800's, am not an immigrant. The part of my ancestral lineage that immigrated here were immigrants and guess what: they were expected to conform to the American tradition of that time.
The Jews are continuing their full-court press against the white West. It is them and only them along with their university indoctrinated, not educated, useful pot-smoking Goyim. You must point out who is doing this to us.
Jews, have Jews working for them, or are funded by Jewish shekels. What is their major obsession with the erasing of white Western civilization? Why do they go to every length to promulgate the notions of "white privilege" and other asinine destructive pseudosociological piles of horse dung?
The only answer I can think of is that they hate us cause they ain't us. Their long history of subversiveness, usury, and parasitism is a part of their "Jewish Identity." Whites have been conquerors, innovators, builders, explorers, artists, discoverers and so much more. What have Jews done besides be rabble rousers, inventing the cost of money, manipulating economies, creating the grievance industry, destroying Westernized cultures with immigration, pornography, and minimalizing the contributions of the White Western Man?
The only thing saving the Jews from expulsion at this point is the American Southern Christ-tards who unequivocally stand "with Is'ril" like Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, John Hagee and the other Christian Zionists.
That brings us to the newest Jew was must all watch closely: Ian Reifowitz.
Reifowitz in his Huffington Post article writes:
"Although Dylann Roof is apparently an extreme example, we do have an identity crisis among many white Americans. This is particularly true for those whose families have lost a connection to any ancestral, ethnic heritage. When they ask themselves, "What am I?," the answer "white" carries little to nothing in terms of sustaining, nourishing content."
He goes on to write:
"What if, instead of the emptiness that whiteness offers, whites -- along with everyone else in this country -- identified in a meaningful way as members of the American community? What if we made a real effort to cultivate not merely patriotism -- which is a bond between the individual and the state -- but an inclusive sense of Americanness that connects individual Americans to one another? This collective feeling must be built around an idea of America and a narrative of our story that truly reflects the experiences of Americans of every background."
That's right, White people offer nothing, emptiness. We should embrace the violence that feral negroes in Baltimore, Ferguson, and other "diverse" cities across the country offer us. We should engage in the inter-family rape that South Americans engage in while eating the diet of domesticated animals of the far East.
The real question here is: why is it that only America and other nominally "White countries" are cultural organisms constantly evolving? Nobody tells Iranians or Saudi Arabians that they must import millions of immigrants of a different race, culture, and ethnicity and adapt to the experience of them. Nobody tells Israel to adapt to the culture and customs of Ethiopians and other Africans who are residing within Israel.
In the case of America, I can only assume that this goes back to notion of America being a land of immigrants when in fact it is a land of citizens. Immigrant is not something that is inherited, it is something that dies in the immigrating generation. I, for example who have ancestors dating back to the late 1800's, am not an immigrant. The part of my ancestral lineage that immigrated here were immigrants and guess what: they were expected to conform to the American tradition of that time.
The Jews are continuing their full-court press against the white West. It is them and only them along with their university indoctrinated, not educated, useful pot-smoking Goyim. You must point out who is doing this to us.