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A Must- Read "Racist's" Review of MTV's "White People" Documentary

On Wednesday July the 22nd MTV aired it's documentary "White People" created by homosexual illegal alien Jose Antonio Vargas, who by the way has admitted to using a false social security card.

The part of this whole nonsense that was important will be revealed at the end of this article but for now enjoy my analysis of the documentary.

The earlier part of the film seemed to explore the question: "what is White?"

Vargas targeted the White students by asking and further challenging them on what exactly they are. They identified as American and when that wasn't good enough others said White and some even dared to say White American.

Vargas, let me explain to you what an American is. An American is the result of years of immigration of the hardest working, most inventive, most hungry men and women of Europe. The people that built the roads, the buildings, drafted the architecture, politicked, outlawed slavery, gave and ultimately took away the multitude of rights that allowed it's geographical inhabitants, citizens and unalike, to enjoy the most freedom in the entire world. That, is not to be found anywhere in the sewers and cesspools of the third world.

Now as to what "White" is. White is the category only made necessary because of the presence of non-Whites in order to distinguish the category of people who are creators from those who are destroyers. White is the conglomerate class of people who shed their former nationalities to take part in a collective American experience in gratitude for the opportunities their European fore-comers provided to them. "White" wouldn't be necessary if there were not non-Whites.

Anyway, Vargas went on to pretend it was some kind of shock that White people mostly have White friends and acquaintances and that Whites live in predominantly White neighborhoods. Surprise! People, regardless of their race, are mostly likely to associate with those who them have most in common with.

The first really "White" person he interviews is a Southern homosexual who promotes lies that Whites routinely tell Negroes that they must not occupy the same sidewalk as them. To be blunt, it is total horse shit. Why White homosexuals feel the need to ally themselves with perpetual victim non-Whites is beyond me. Perhaps we should pursue a more accepting strategy towards our own homosexuals only to deal with that situation in a better way going forward.

He almost has "Slave Trauma" syndrome without ever being a slave. He merely parrots what his Jew professors and teachers tell him allegedly happened in the south nearly 100 years ago.

Perhaps the funniest part of the entire documentary was when the bugger boy invited his colored friends over his parent's home for dinner. His mudshark looking sister said the word ghetto and all of a sudden one of the buckwheat overweight Negresses appeared to be choking on a chicken bone.

Choking she was not, she was crying because the word "Ghetto" caused her immense pain to the point she had to get up and leave the room. This was no doubt encouraged by Vargas and the Jewish producers to create the illusion that a two-syllable word can hurt somebody. Once again, horse shit.

Vargas ends up in North Carolina where a White communist says that what White privilege means to her is that "everything is owed to you." At this point, it made me wonder if the promoters of White privilege really think that wealth accumulated even to a modest degree should not be inherited. I always operated under the assumption that you are to work hard and save money so you can enjoy the remainder of your years and get the life of your children started off on a better path than you did.

For example, my parents back in the 1950s grew up in a tenement style apartment and I grew up in a railroad apartment without privacy. My parents once told me "your goal is to ensure that your children have bedrooms with doors." I did exactly that.

The funny part of all of this privilege nonsense is that even if you take Whites and non-Whites from birth, on average Whites will still excel above the level of non-Whites. Money cannot change your genetics or "God" given aptitudes. I guess that is why they came up with the nonsense of "systematic oppression" to explain the failures of colored people once the "White privilege" straw argument causes itself to fall apart.

An oriental student in the same venue went on to say that there is no stereotype for White people and that the first thought he has when he wakes up is that he knows people have a stereotype about him eating dogs or being good at math. Seriously? That's a mental illness called paranoia and you ought to seek treatment if the first thought you have every day is people you do not know assuming you had dog for dinner.

I'm deliberately going to skip over the part where he goes to an American Indian reservation because it was so full of lies. He purposely left out the fact that many American Indians died of disease and autocide. The White man was superior to them and took their land just like the non-Whites are taking our land. Territory only belongs to those who have the ability to maintain and defend it.

The one thing worth mentioning is that American Indians are extremely hostile towards Whites. Only one A.I. student said her father raised her not to be a racist and the rest of them like calling White people "Wasichu" which makes the teaching environment difficult for their White teachers.

The next subject of the documentary was a wimpy and undoubtedly closeted homosexual with real right wingers for parents. He said the only time he bothered to realize that he was White was when he went to the local community college and felt outnumbered. So what was his natural response to what would undeniably cause anxiety for a sane person?

He went ahead and started a "White Privilege" workshop on his campus. What I believe happened here is that this young man who's biological father is not in the picture has daddy issues and eventually became a homosexual for Black men but is too ashamed to come out of the closet. His reaction to his bottled emotions is to take his anger out on the "White system" and White people as a whole.

At this point of the documentary I started to notice that Vargas spent a lot of his time in predominantly White areas and did not bother to gage the opinions of Whites living in major urban cities alongside non-White majorities. Surely, if he did this the Whites wouldn't tolerate his bullshit and encourage Vargas to look at the local news to see what Whites need to live among. It's kind of like your kids when they were growing up. They badly wanted a puppy but didn't realize the responsibility and sacrifices you must make to own a pet.

These young Whites in these predominantly White states with liberal schools get their impressions of Negroes from television shows and commercials, not real life experiences. Had Vargas taken his Jew crew to a major urban city like Baltimore, New York City, or even Chicago and asked the Whites there how much they enjoy living amongst coloreds and paying exorbitant taxes as a result.

One of topics also addressed is the serious issue of lack of academic opportunity for Whites. Non-Whites can do less and get more where Whites do the same amount and get less or do more and get less in many cases. You can check out my post about why you should never see a Negro "Doctor."

His propaganda totally avoided the fact that Whites simply do not have access to pro-White scholarships like Blacks who have sole access to solely pro-Black scholarships while also having the ability to earn merit based scholarships. You can be an illiterate Negroid who reads on a third grade level and still get the same amount, if not more, than a White student who was a valedictorian simply because you are a Negro and you are stupid.

As a quick aside, my observation is that the discrimination White youth face in the academic process is a huge winning point we ought to continue to hammer home in our recruiting efforts.

They also touch on the issue of access to financial aid which basically finances the college education of inept Negroids from the ghetto who do not deserve a seat in even your local community college. Academically qualified Whites who do not wish to enslave themselves with student loan debt should have access to these government programs before Laqueefa from the ghetto gets a chance to spend it on Applebees gift certificates at the community college bookstore. I remember in college they referred to it as "muh chek! muh chek is comin' sewn!"

A White female was attacked by Vargas and a few non-Whites who look at her as if she is an idiot for not believing the horse shit "statistics" he presents. The buggerboy says that 76% merit based scholarships go to Whites. We say: AND? Maybe because Whites are smarted than non-Whites. But that would go agains the narrative. Coming to terms with the fact that White people are just far more smart than non-Whites and thus more qualified for just about everything except welfare on a percapita basis would turn the premise and goal of the documentary on it's face.

Oh, a young White communist with zits all over her face says that her parents feel "attacked" when she comes home and "talks race to them." Yeah, because they busted their ass their whole life and do not want to hear an ingrate cunt like you come home and bitch to them about how privileged they and you are.

They answer my call to go to an urban area when they end up in Brooklyn New York to visit an Italian family who's son has an overweight Mexican girlfriend. His biggest issue is that the Asians colonizing the real estate in his neighborhood won't open the door to sign the authorization for their annual block party. Go figure.

In conclusion, the most interesting thing about this whole film is that buggerboy Jose Antonio Vargas was not nearly as anti-White as the Jewish controlled MTV made it seem he was going to be. Go figure, they use a gay goyim to promote a message that the Jewish executives use as an excuse to beat up White people.