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The Disturbing Non-White Reaction to Cartels Death Threats Against the Donald

From TMZ

After future President of the United States Donald Trump discussed the invasion of the United States by Mexicans and the Mexican government, the rats in the Jew media ran with his accurate comments about quality of the parasites overtaking our country and spun them into conflated rantings. 

Now the Donald has come out strong about the escape of a prison through a one mile long tunnel (!!!)  by Mexican drug king pin "El Chapo" the filthy bean-eating vermin in America are actually rooting for the death of the Donald. Recall in a post earlier today we alluded to the fact that Negroes refuse to become Americans. The same applies to these short and sweaty brown scum. She must have tied a record for using terms out of the social justice warrior stylebook in a row.

Here is the reaction from a TMZ article operated by Jewish Butt-fucker Harvey Levin:

From Kate:
"Donald Trump, you crazy man messed up with the wrong people. The Sleeping Giant (Latinos) finally woke up. Donald Trump is an ignorant bigoted hateful man who’s insufferable campaign turns the stomachs of any thoughtful person living in this country today."

She must have tied a record for using terms out of the social justice warrior stylebook in a row.

From hi_i'm_me:
"We should send white people back to England. Damn white minorities trying to take our jobs and committing crimes are ruining this country."

Clearly the drug problem is because of "White junkies" according to the next commenter

From Mo $$:

"Mexican Cartels are the ones bringing in drugs to this country, however, you must remember the drug industry is based on supply and demand. You whites demand them they will supply, so if whites weren't such junkies this midget drug dealer would be out of a job. No????"

"25 percent vs white people's 40. So if you have 100 welfare recipients 40 would be white 25 will be black so who's the real parasites? So what if black make up only 13 of the population whites are still the majority taking your tax dollar"

But if you told him that Whites are responsible for 4 times the tax revenue of any other race in America he'd scoff and say you're a racist. 

From FlowEz:
Trump is a joke and racist ! I hope he does end up missing .. Anyone that will vote if he even gets that far is a joke"

"Hungry...found crackers in my cabinet. Thew them to the floor and stepped on them nasty things. Then let the dog lick the mess up. Opps flagged again for eating crackers."

To me, it's just ironic how a scum who killed countless Mexicans with his violence and drugs is being hailed as a hero by these retards. But he wants Trump's head and that is good enough for them.