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6 Common Sense Safety Tips for White People in 2015 America

The dangers of a culturally pluralistic society are evident each and every single day. To understand multiculturalism is to live in multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a program of White racial genocide. The over arching desire of the erasers of our people and our civilization will inundate us with mass non-White immigration in all of our superior countries until we all become third world cesspools remnant of Brazil or on the more extreme side of the spectrum: South Africa.

The dangers of the "diverse" people will not be silenced by political correctness, Negro fiction, or social justice warriors on this blog. Hence, here are some tips I have decided to post for Whites to be safe while going through the motions of every day life in Al Sharpton's America of racial outrage.

1. Own a Firearm.

There is no excuse for a White person living in a country Presided by a half-Black Muslim who takes every opportunity to enflame dim-witted scum against us. The racial dregs of society attached to the emotionally driven beatification of thugs use every opportunity to attach Whites. You need not be one of those Whites. 

2. Avoid Public Transit

For about 4 years in the early 2000s before I was a father I lived in a major metropolitan city now known for its major Negro crime problem. Taking busses and trains are a great part of living in a big city. It's a way to save on the extreme costs of owning a car, which on average is much higher in a big city due to congestion and the number of drivers on the road. But time after time the coloreds were mugging, robbing, and beating people. To be quite honest, it was a good week to see only 2-3 fights a week during your commute. Lack of impulse control could be to blame and thankfully I avoided any major trouble during this period of my life mostly due to my early work hours.

3. Use discriminate eyes while outdoors,
wear an intimidating face.
A feral savage will be less likely to attack you if you have that "don't fuck with me face" on. It's plain and simple. Look over your shoulder fairly often and let them know you're aware they are there.

4. Avoid going to "that part of town." 

As Whites, we must realize that we are simply not permitted to be in certain towns. I guess it is due to "White privilege." Any reason you find to go to your local Marcus Garvey Boulevard can be avoided. There is something like that specific place or damn near close to it within driving distance. Avoid it. The creatures will start with you or accost, especially if you are a woman. You will be like the White man who comes to Africa to bring vaccines and the swarm of little Africans surrounds you with their hands out. Here or there, some things are universal.

5. Avoid entering a vulnerable state when in a multiracial area.

Going to a bar near the local ghetto is a bad idea. Predators are known to prey on Whites who cannot defend themselves as well as they would if they were operating at 100%. Also, do not allow yourself to go to particular areas should you be tired, especially when you are with your family. If you are a White woman this is particularly important. 

6. Get a smart phone with a viable video camera.

Recently I blogged about the White police officer Ron Arlint in Trinidad Colorado. Arlint was saved by a body camera. He killed a vile Negro Todd Jamal, or whatever his name was, who pointed a loaded gun at him when the officer told him to cross his legs and put his hands in the air.
Had he not been equipped with a camera all of the writers and protestors of Negro fiction would have said that the raysis police planted a gun on him and how he was a gentle giant who dinnnet do nuffin.
The same threat is made against you. White people cannot defend themselves against colored criminals without the fear of being called a racist or it being called a "racially motivated attack." Should you be in these types of situations in the future you can hit the record button on your phone and have the incident on video or at the very least recorded on audio. Protect yourself.

There are only a few tips that Whites can deploy to make the difficulties of living in a multiracial society a little easier. Above all, arm yourselves with knowledge and deploy situational awareness during 100% of your woken moments. Don't be stupid, be safe.

If you have any other safety tips, please share them in the comments below.