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5 Points That Must Be Addressed During Any "Race Conversation"

In Obama's America we frequently hear the call for a "dialogue on race." This idea that will never happen of course, at least not until hate speech laws are instituted in America so White people can not freely speak their mind, present data and apply common sense. The idea that some day a panel of people will meet at some sort of office conference table and discuss the issues of race and address the failures of integration, multiculturalism and mass non-White immigration will never happen.

But just in case it should some day, let this list serve as a checklist of talking points.

1. Why Do Negroes Refuse To Become "American."

American Negroes refuse to take part in the American dream and the larger American experience and have for decades. They have positioned themselves as outsiders and have progressively held a more adversarial attitude towards Whites and the fruits Western Civilization on the North American continent has provided them. Namely, not drinking AIDS water and dying of extremely treatable ailments like starvation and fevers. The plan to abort slavery and repatriate them to Africa was nixed and the calls of Marcus Garvey to return to the motherland went unanswered so we must assume they are staying here for one reason or another -- but it is not to "become an America." 

Why oh why have American Negroes positioned themselves this way? Actually, a better question may be why oh why have the Jews positioned them this way? Could it be because the United States is pretty much the only country to this point that the Jews have not been expelled from? 

Instead they will play the game of identity politics with a most obvious goal of eventually massacring or enslaving every remaining White person. Large and part, Negroes have done n-o-t-h-i-n-g to become a part of America. Those Negroes who have are chastised as "Uncle Tom's" or are in the running for the Republican Party nomination for the 2016 Presidential Election.

2. The South is Not a "Racist" Place, Major Metro Areas Are.

One of the more striking things to me in recent memory is my recent awareness pertaining to the lack of racial awareness in the south. For the most part, much of your "Dixie" is not what the Erasers of our civilization would call "racist." They get along well with Negroes down there and even have a great deal of love for their people of African descent who endorse conservative politics and things like the Confederate Flag. Look no further than the video above.

3. Racism and "White Privilege" Are Total Horse Manure.

Despite what your Jewish social science professor is lecturing about, there is no organized system of White supremacy conspiring toe oppress downtrodden "minorities." There is also no such thing as "White privilege." Nor is there such a thing as "racism." If these three things were anything other than something professor Mordecai Schmurlerberg pulled out of his rectum, non-Whites would not literally be illegal burrowing into this country to be oppressed. It is what you call a logical fallacy. 

Non-Whites have systems of oppression in Africa, North and South America, and Asia. They have totalitarian regimes that control every aspect of these people's lives and are riddled with corruption so badly that the United States calls itself the land of the free and it is true in comparison! Non-Whites have systems of supremacy, oppression, and privilege. Not Whites. If it weren't for our altruism the non-White would would have no where to go.

4. The Jews are Not White.

Despite what you may think, you cannot be a member of two races at one time or any time. Sorry, that means you too, Rachel Dolezal. 

The Jews are a very unique people who are both a race and a religion. Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are genetically, biologically Jewish with inheritable Jewish traits. Amongst them are Tay Sachs and "chosenness." The Jews are Jews when they are applauding themselves for giving non-Whites extra and distinct rights and protections that are not afforded to Whites. Nobody ever says that the Jews who have created the "Civil Rights" movement were White, with arrogance they take credit for their actions and they say they are Jews! There is also the whole "thou shalt not have any holocausts greater than mine" commandment of holocaustianity. Forget the Poles and White Russians, the "chosen" people were far more important, you know. The owners of the television media, Hollywood, the print media, radio media, and much of professional sports are not White, they are Jews. A very  distinct and elite class of people who rule above all the goyim black, White or brown.

5. Whites Are the Only Group Not Identity Politicking.

Much like number 3, there is not an elite cadre of Whites conspiring for their own interests. In fact, the White elite have betrayed us for the interests of the almighty dollar, the international banking system, Israel and political correctness. Case and point: Mitt Romney does not give a flying fuck about a future for White children. Nor does George Bush. Nor did Ronald Reagan. Nor does Jeb Bush. Guess what, nobody you see on the mainstream media gives a crap about the future your children will inherit in a non-White, third-world cesspool full of crime, drugs and corruption.

To be a non-White is to be granted permission by the Erasers of our culture to proactively pursue your own best interests and the best interest of your larger community at the expense of the former White majority. 

What else need be addressed in the "race conversation?" Let me know below!