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Democrat Candidate Apologizes for Saying "White Lives Matter"

He has to be thinking "What tge fuck did I get myself into??

Democratic Presidential Candidate Martin O'Malley, a Straight White Male, spoke at a communist gathering of Netroots Nation along the campaign trail in Phoenix Arizona this weekend. 
At one point sitting along side butt-fuckee and illegal alien "White Privilege" documentarian Jose Antonio Vargas, O'Malley said "Black lives matter, White lives matter, All lives matter" in front of the communist gathering.

As you will see in the subsequent videos, he was nearly booed off the stage along with fellow White straight male Bernie Sanders. The Democrat nomination process is not a politically process, it is a lynching of White males who do not like anal sex with other men.

O'Malley went on to apologize for his remarks saying "This was a mistake on my part, and I meant no disrespect." 

That's right, a White straight male apologized for saying that along with Black lives, White and all American lives matter. 

Let me say that once more a different way. Saying that the lives of White Americans have value is a cardinal sin in multicultural America. I anticipate O'Malley will soon drop out just to say "this is not my Democratic party" in future interviews. 

Even Jew CNN journalist Jake Tapper was befuddled that there were those saying O'Malley saying White lives matter is a part of the "language of White supremacy." That, my friends, is a classic case of the Jews not realizing the magnitude of the monster they created.