The 5 Types of White Cuckservatives
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Johnny the Drunk didn't inhale, though. |
The term is a well needed one given the status of modern conservatism. There are those freaks in the Evangelical wing who are obsessed with legislating people's sexual practices and the Neo-Conservative wing who are obsessed with sending young men to war on behalf of Israel's interests. On the outside of traditional conservative circles is a younger, vibrant and more modern conservative wing that is more fiscally and genetically responsible and less socially intrusive. They are those who an understanding that two repugnant men "marrying" one another is not going to induce a lake of fire and is a problem that can be dealt with later on.
To put it plainly the anti-Cucks are aggressive and unapologetic nationalist types who refuse to go along with the status quote Republican Party view of Conservatism.
Let us now take the time to identify five of the primary types of White Cuckservatives.
1. Those Who Oppose Abortion Using
Negroid Statistical Justification
Negroid Statistical Justification
But like, muh black peeoplez! |
You know exactly the type. They are the kind of assholes who are mostly White and stand outside of the local Planned Parenthood office screaming that more little Negroes were aborted than born in New York City. These are the kinds of people who probably should have been swallowed before conception, if you get what I'm saying. They care more about Black fetuses being vacuumed than they do the White race being economically and socially terrorized and genocided. As disgusting of a procedure abortion is, the least immoral thing about it is that it is keeping the Negro underclass from a major population explosion. That should read: one of the magnificent things about abortion is that is keeps crime and welfare spending down by limiting the amount of out-of-wedlock and unplanned Black children from being born.
Lets be real, it's not "Black Genocide," it's proactive crime control.
2. Those Who Adopt Non-White Babies.
One of the sacraments of diversity is that "thou must prove thou isn't racist by importing little nigglins with cleft palates."
Case and point: the family of 2012 GOP nominee for President Mitt Romney. The guy's Christmas card picture was a beaming example of what every White family should aim to be, a frame-to-frame picture full of beautiful White people. That was until the Romney family celebrated their beating at the hands of Barack Hussein Obama by adopting Nig Romney, the little boy pictured above. Seriously, Mitt? How long until he is muh-dikking one of your granddaughters?
They aren't little and cute forever!
3. Those Who Say "The Democrats Were the Part of the KKK!"
Oh yes, you know these types too! They are the ones who think they are clever by pulling out long time Cuckservative line "well, the GOP isn't racist because the Democrat party is the one that gave birth to the Ku Klux Klan." Oh oh my do they think they are so smart for pointing out something that while technically true, politically inaccurate. We all know that between last 19th and early 20th century the Democrat party took a complete about face on most of its traditional principles. Many southern Democrats became Republicans and vice versa. So stop your horse shit, you petty cuckservatives and stand up for the White man who votes for you! These are also the people that groan on about how Michael King Jr., a documented communist revolutionary pretending to be Martin Luther King Jr., was a conservative and a registered Republican.
4. The Ones Who Allow Their Daughters to Marry Pot-Smoking Rastafarian's
You see that White female getting ready to enter in the institution of "Holy Matrimony" with the Rasta with the dreads going down past his ass? That's Lindsay Boehner, Speaker of the House John Boehner's daughter. Boehner, a notorious alcoholic and certified Cuckservative who spends more time kissing the rear end of certified anti-White Barack Obama than standing up for the White constituency who is staunchly against mass non-White immigration. Boehner is the Cuckservative of all Cuckservatives.
Any White man who walks his White daughter down the aisle to forever be in union with a barely employed pot-smoking loser is NOT a conservative by any definition of the word.
5. The Ones Who Want a Browner America.
The Only White in his family, including the dog. |
Remember when fat sloth and Wall St. darling Jeb Bush said that illegal immigration is an act of love? Well that was the moment he became an undeniable White Cuckservative. Bush is so anti-White that he felt it necessary to have children that look nothing like him because they are brown-skinned. He married a Mexican immigrant Columba Gallo who so far as we know has never held a job in her entire life. They gave birth to three non-White children of whom one, George P. Bush went on into a life of politics after a light military career. Bush is the kind of "Conservative" who is for importing hordes of non-Whites into America and leaving the southern American border wide open.
He's also a media darling. He is the media declared defacto Republican candidate for President in 2016. They'd love nothing more than to have the Bush or Clinton dynasty continue to show White middle America that there are two classes of Americans, the political ruling class and everyone else.
Did I miss a particular genre of Cuckservative? Let me know in the comments below!