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"African Americans:" 5 Ways They are a Public Safety Hazard

In the comments section of a recent article "10 Things That Would Instantly Happen If All Negroes Left America" we had a racial White knight female talking about her "African American" pals. I can only assume that she is one of those people that has a husband who enjoys wigging his jigger to watching her with her Black boyfriend. These people do exist. There is no other way to explain their apologism for the hazardous Black race.

So even though the ten cited reasons were not enough for the Black apologist crowd, we're going to include five more reasons that "African Americans" are a public safety hazard.

1. They Are Destructive
It seems as though they literally go out of their way to ruin and destroy everything. There is a new stupid trend of Negroids shouting "Squad, put 'em in duh cawfin" while putting their hands over their chest, jumping in the air and throwing themselves on top of the hood of a person's vehicle. Who does that shit? Why do they think it is okay to ruin the property of other people? Why do they do the same thing to supermarket displays? Why do they randomly slap the posteriors of shoppers in markets? Why do they grab the ankles of someone defecating in the stall next to them? Why do they smoke drugs and scream in public stores and restaurants? Why do they menace White people going about their day by calling them "bitches?" Why are they a living tornado that creates a path of destruction no matter where they go or what they do? And for the SJW's looking to retort, I can include THOUSANDS of these types of TNB videos. Don't tempt me because that'll be my next post. I will dedicate to posting at least 250 videos of this savage behavior.

2. They Carry STD's At an Astronomical Rate.
Buh like, muh-dik.
Negroes are 4 times more likely to have the AIDS virus, are 7 out of 10 Gonorrhea patients, are 11 times more likely to have Chlamydia than White men, and 12.3 times more likely to have Syphilis. Here is your source for that information.
As if you needed any more of a reason to not burn the coal, you're almost guaranteed to pay the toll if you burn it enough. Imagine that, if you know 16 Negro men, the chance is that at least one of them will contract HIV AIDS during their life. We aren't even counting the rates of TB and Hepatitis which are awful diseases in their own respect.

3. Their Gang Presences Creates Other
Racialized Gangs.
About less than 10 percent, depending on the year, of gang members are White. Black gangs are a way out of "duh hood" and into a life of slinging drugs and illegal firearms. Mestizos, or as the chart calls them "Hispanic or Latino," represent the largest part of America's youth population and often serve as a funnel for international drug trafficking rings. All races are effected by drugs but the fact that these gangs exists is largely due to Hispanics living in low income, predominantly Negro areas with gang affiliations. Then, as a matter of survival and lack of economic opportunity because corporations and small businesses do not want to invest in Black ghettos, they are recruited into these gangs. If these Black gangs ceased to exist there would arguably be a decrease in Hispanic gang members according to logic. What's the point of one sports team existing if they have no competition. Similarly, what is the point of the Mestizo gangs existing if they are not rivaling other racial gangs. You can see in the chart below that almost every time there was an increase in either the Mestizo or Negro gangs, the other decreased. As more recruits were made, more were killed. Plain and simple. 

For the record, this analysis is not to suggest that drug rings would cease to exist if all Negroid gangs disappeared. 

4. They Create Fake Rage but Real Violence 

Along with the rat-faced Jew media, Negroes create a culture of false rage by honoring saints of the Newport and 40oz movement like Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Freddie Gray. The only reason that a reasonable person can conclude they take such obviously appropriate actions taken by White police and turn it into literally burning entire cities down is because they need a reason to express their carnal violent tendencies. If there were no Mike Brown, they'd have to suppress their rage and violent urges and pretend to be human. This is a public safety hazard because now White police across the country are allowing feral animals like Brown and Gray to go along and commit their crimes without police interference because they are afraid if they interfere, they'll be the next White cop being tried by the Jewish controlled media. This, as a whole, makes society less safe.

The only question now is: how long until it comes to YOUR city. 

5. They are Susceptible to Jewish
Pseudo Social Science.

 If you don't know who he is, you're a good goyim.
Although modern Whites in universities are also getting brain polluted at a rapid pace, Negroid Americans of the "Black Twitter" universe that are being educated in colleges they should not even have been admitted to in the first place are far more susceptible to Jewish propaganda. The Jews started the Civil Rights (read: extra rights) Movement and spent decades convincing Negroes and some White idiots that diversity is our greatest strength and that Negroes are equal to in every way and carbon copies of Whites. Now, the Jews are the masters at promoting the nonsense of "White privilege" and malarkey concepts like "structural/systemic racism" that make Negroes feel like there is an evil White male holding them back, not their genetic aptitudes. They are taking this nonsense and creating false racial rage like those mentioned in the examples in point four. This is the result of Jewish professor indoctrination.

How do you like that, SJW's? And for the rest of you, let me know what I missed out on in the comment section below!