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Axed & Erased By PC Police for "N-Word": American Icon Hulk Hogan

It appears those who want to erase your childhood heros like Spiderman as a White heterosexual, Thor as a White god, and Superman along with a bunch of others have not targeted super famous former wrestler Hulk Hogan.

Its trending on Twitter and Facebook that Hulk Hogan allegedly went on a "racial tirade" and used the "N-Word" which of course, is Nigger.

The only video that has surfaced is a video of the "Real American" American Icon Hulk Hogan recounting a story on what sounds to be a satellite radio show. The story goes like this..

Does that constitute a "racial tirade" to you?

The story Hogan tells is quite a famous one. WWE wrestler (and I don't think this was WWE so I need to brush up on my wrestling knowledge) Booker T said "Hulk Hogan, I'm comin' for you nigga" in one of what could only be described as exactly what we expect from big, roided up wrestlers talking.

So lets get this straight.. It appears the PC police and the Erasers of the White world have gone for Hulk Hogan based on a simply silly story he told on a satellite radio program (which is said to be from years ago) when asked by a Negro host. It didn't appear the Negro host had any problem with it, even laughing several times during the show. The most famous wrestler of all time who created so much money and appeal for the wrestling industry is now gone, erased.

Oh and by the way, will WWE target their own owner, Vince McMahon?

When they scrub the above video, click here for it. 

My view: there is no way that is the video that got the Hulkster fired. I just refuse to believe that Political Correctness is that oppressive. There has to be a video some where of him actually going on a "racial tirade" that we just haven't seen yet.

UPDATE 10:04 AM:

It turns out according to the National Enquirer Hogan was not fond of his daughter marrying a Negro. He repeatedly used the "N Word" in a conversation which was private and is only now being released because wholly Jewish-run gossip tabloid Gawker released a sex tape of Hogan. Hogan is suing Gawker and somehow Hogan's concern over his daughter getting Nicole Brown'd is relevant to a rat faced Jew vermin website exploiting his personal intimate affairs.