Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Monday, August 14, 2017

I guess it never hurts to have a disclaimer on this website to make my positions on this legal matter crystal clear.
That thing that I can get thrown in jail for inciting, that think you can get thrown in jail for carrying out.
I'm not going to...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary

With the events of Charlottesville behind us I suddenly have a new breath of air in my lungs to churn out important perspectives with a sense of urgency.
The reaction from social media, the Jewish controlled/owned/operated media, and public politicians have lead me to believe you...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Thursday, August 10, 2017

The so-called White resistance movement has been around for almost a century now.
To varying degrees across decades, White men of all kinds of character have worried about the dangers of a racially integrated society. They weren't buying the egalitarianism.
To my younger...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Alt-Right has been around for years, but was pushed into the spotlight by the election of President Donald Trump.
Because of Trump and ONLY because of Trump the term, or slur depending on who is using it,
Alt-Right is mainstream. Everyone knows what it is. It's an edgy anti-Boomer...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
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Posted by
The White Revolutionary

I think the best way to start this off is to make it very clear from the beginning that I am certainly a fan of President Trump, I supported him throughout the primary season and voted for him in the general election. One thing I am not is some sort of Trump fan boy, the likes...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Well, here we are again.
I have a few free minutes after a jam-packed, busy day.
Only one more e-mail has rolled in since I last published that blog on Monday or whatever it was.
Here is what we have.
On 5/11/16 Ryan writes...
"Let me guess you believe in the protocols of the...