Why White People Shouldn't Be Fooled by President Donald Trump, A Political Stooge
I think the best way to start this off is to make it very clear from the beginning that I am certainly a fan of President Trump, I supported him throughout the primary season and voted for him in the general election. One thing I am not is some sort of Trump fan boy, the likes of Bill Mitchell on Twitter.
But this junction in history is bigger than Donald Trump and like many other largely positive things such as the internet, a positive thing is a sword with two edges.
To quote thatskinbag of cholesterol Michael Moore, the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency was the biggest "fuck you" to the political establishment and oh boy, did it feel good. I'm sure many of you were wanting to catch those tears of Clinton supporters and use them as a lubricant for your subsequent masturbation spree.
All of this said, it's far more important that we recognize the negative side of what is represented by the Trump Presidency. Of this, there are about four central elements that prove that his Presidency could be a "planned mistake." After all, I'd assume at least 45% of us who went and pulled the lever for Trump in November knew the ballots of that election and one's prior wouldn't be counted properly. We knew that millions of welfare creatures, dead people and illegal aliens voting once, twice or even more times skew elections.
So after all, why is Donald Trump the occupant of 1600 Pennyslvania Avenue? How did it happen? What does it mean? What does it mean for White people?
Let us not for a minute try to start with the revising history. Anyone in the nationalist movement for a time period that encompassed the regime of the turd colored emperor Barry Soetoro would know that he was the best thing that could happen to the struggle for White racial survival. Your country established by your Constitution that said people like him were three-fifths human had to sit there as every country in the world saw your country being represented by some street shit from the ghettos of Chicago. So, the TEA Party arose as an organic resistance before fizzling out around 2013.
White people were angry and they weren't going to take it anymore. The TEA Party represented what Van Jones would call a "White lash," an implicit one at that. The Jews who would immediately co-opt the movement throughentryism would ensure it didn't go "there" and kept it from generating real change. Think about it. Imagine if the TEA Party and genuine elements of the Occupy movement (before being co-opted by the same people on the other side of the spectrum) coalesced around the issue of multinational corporations and money lending, albeit for different reasons?
Lets not forget about the annual riots every summer when some vile bumper-lipped miscreant would rightfully get "got" by a cop. This gave license to the North American Jungle Creatures to destroy their own neighborhoods and encourage the murder of Whites and police. "Black Lives Matter" was one of the best things that could have happened to White America. No longer was it fringe to realize it's really us and them, there was simply no more denying it.
So reason one for the election of Donald Trump is quite simple actually. There may have been some prospect of actual White revolution. Even if it was just a bunch of Dylan Roof's acting on their own. Those would inspire copycats who realized it wasn't effective for some socially retarded white idiot to go and kill a handful of church going black people. The system needed to give a time out to the radical change that Soetoro promised us in 2008 and spent his entire second term delivering on.
Reasontwo actually runs parallel to the same set of facts. The Obongo regime could only take what they were doing so far, legally. There comes a time where people start to realize that violence is the only answer. So he, Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson and Loretta Lynch couldn't go full Rhodesia or South Africa and start confiscating White property and decriminalizing the murder and torture of Whites. The next best thing was to radicalize them. They saw the organic rise of the TEA party in implicit racial terms. The parameters of polite society provide it so that non-Whites could explicitly be racial and the last 4-6 years was a non-White pressure cooker.
The election of Hillary Clinton wouldn't have done anything for the ultimate goal of exterminating the White race off of the face of the Earth. Her policies would have been a rehash of the second Bush administration plus all kinds of weird degenerate dyke and faggot garbage. What the system needed was to organically radicalize their own monsters to the point where they would physically react to the election of Donald Trump. Now sure, I'm saying "would react" in the past tense, which is factually inaccurate because it hasn't happened yet. But as sure as my fingers hit these keys, it will.
The left wing blogs, social movements, and academia are going out of their fucking minds over Donald Trump. This is the kind of thing that is going to end badly for those who were arrogant to think that a ride on the Trump Train was going to last forever.
Reason three is a confluence of circumstances. Both major parties and their corporate interest do not represent anything about fair economics. In fact, they're basically both on the same page. The only difference being Democrats use their budgets to make sure Blacks get diabetes by giving them their bi-weekly stipend with those EBT cards and the Republicans get their buddies military contracts and their big business donors tax breaks. The middle gets fucked by both.
Consequently, one thing is for certain: impending financial collapse. The bubbles in securities and real estate is going to explode. The economic theory of getting everyone to work for a corporation for 12 bucks an hour is going to go up in flames and once theboomers with their secure jobs with six figure salaries and nice 401k plans retire, the economy is set for economic ruin.
The system needs someone to pin the impending collapse of the entire system on. Now there's a chance that if Trump has the government staffed with enough of his people they will mask the blow with some sort of nuclear war with North Korea and Iran or something, but one thing is for certain and that is the complete and systemic collapse of the American economy.
Who better than Donald Trump? They know it's coming. Conservative branded economics do better in the current economic paradigm we're living in, but thecan could only be kicked down the same road for so long. That's why in recent history the political class does not allow it for Democrats Presidents to succeed one another. They let some Republican dope come in and fix the fiscal policy and economic mess their predecessor made for a few years before they bring in their new face to burn the fuse a little closer to its ultimate implosion. The idea that the economy does better under Democrats is a farce. Policies take time to ripple through the national economy.
So the collapse under Emperor ClitleryCunton wouldn't have looked so good. So stick it on that reality TV guy from New York.
I almost want to divide the final reason to not be fooled by the Trump Presidency into a fourth and fifth point, but I'm going to make it one and hope it makes sense to you.
Donald Trump represents what an American President should be: tall, strong, White, male, at least some appearance of a cultural conscience, and a patriot. The system wants you to get a taste of this one last time before that creepy reptile Robert Mueller and his partisan henchmen take your Donald Trump away from you. It's mainstream news now that there are databases of Trump supporters and "emboldened racists" that are being kept so when President Pence gets sworn in and the latest edition of the Trump reality show is over they are coming for you next.
All we wanted for such a long time was a President who was all of the aforementioned things. He also satisfied the appetite for a genuine outsider in the biggest way. We wanted someone like Kennedy or like Nixon. A real red-blooded American patriot who knew what the system was up to but ultimately met an abrupt end in one way or another. We wanted a real American as our President.
Now they're going to take him from you. They probably won't kill him because there is no way in the current "woke" climate that they'd be able to get away with that one. They don't want Alex Jones to double his subscribers. They also certainly do not want him to go down as a sympathetic figure.Instead they are going to make sure this ends with him and members of his family in a jail, or at least coming close to it before President Pence pardons them.
So here is the takeaway here:
They WANTED Trump to be President. Not for the reason that you or I did, but because theywanted needed to give White people a bit of a cool off. Why else did their media give him something like two billion dollars in free air time? They knew exactly what they were doing.
to give White people a little taste of good old 'Murka one last time. They
The internet is the opium of the masses. It's not new anymore. We're officially passed the "everything is on the internet, NOW." That time came and passed once grandma started using the iPad. The internet makes us complacent and gives us a soap box for us to blow off steam about how much we think Jews suck or how violent Negroids are. The internet keeps us from taking the direct action necessary to give a swift kick in the nuts to the political system that is destroying our people and our degenerating our culture. I'm afraid Donald Trump is the new opium, the opium of the White masses.

To quote that
All of this said, it's far more important that we recognize the negative side of what is represented by the Trump Presidency. Of this, there are about four central elements that prove that his Presidency could be a "planned mistake." After all, I'd assume at least 45% of us who went and pulled the lever for Trump in November knew the ballots of that election and one's prior wouldn't be counted properly. We knew that millions of welfare creatures, dead people and illegal aliens voting once, twice or even more times skew elections.
So after all, why is Donald Trump the occupant of 1600 Pennyslvania Avenue? How did it happen? What does it mean? What does it mean for White people?
Let us not for a minute try to start with the revising history. Anyone in the nationalist movement for a time period that encompassed the regime of the turd colored emperor Barry Soetoro would know that he was the best thing that could happen to the struggle for White racial survival. Your country established by your Constitution that said people like him were three-fifths human had to sit there as every country in the world saw your country being represented by some street shit from the ghettos of Chicago. So, the TEA Party arose as an organic resistance before fizzling out around 2013.
White people were angry and they weren't going to take it anymore. The TEA Party represented what Van Jones would call a "White lash," an implicit one at that. The Jews who would immediately co-opt the movement through
Lets not forget about the annual riots every summer when some vile bumper-lipped miscreant would rightfully get "got" by a cop. This gave license to the North American Jungle Creatures to destroy their own neighborhoods and encourage the murder of Whites and police. "Black Lives Matter" was one of the best things that could have happened to White America. No longer was it fringe to realize it's really us and them, there was simply no more denying it.
So reason one for the election of Donald Trump is quite simple actually. There may have been some prospect of actual White revolution. Even if it was just a bunch of Dylan Roof's acting on their own. Those would inspire copycats who realized it wasn't effective for some socially retarded white idiot to go and kill a handful of church going black people. The system needed to give a time out to the radical change that Soetoro promised us in 2008 and spent his entire second term delivering on.

The left wing blogs, social movements, and academia are going out of their fucking minds over Donald Trump. This is the kind of thing that is going to end badly for those who were arrogant to think that a ride on the Trump Train was going to last forever.
Reason three is a confluence of circumstances. Both major parties and their corporate interest do not represent anything about fair economics. In fact, they're basically both on the same page. The only difference being Democrats use their budgets to make sure Blacks get diabetes by giving them their bi-weekly stipend with those EBT cards and the Republicans get their buddies military contracts and their big business donors tax breaks. The middle gets fucked by both.
Consequently, one thing is for certain: impending financial collapse. The bubbles in securities and real estate is going to explode. The economic theory of getting everyone to work for a corporation for 12 bucks an hour is going to go up in flames and once the
The system needs someone to pin the impending collapse of the entire system on. Now there's a chance that if Trump has the government staffed with enough of his people they will mask the blow with some sort of nuclear war with North Korea and Iran or something, but one thing is for certain and that is the complete and systemic collapse of the American economy.
Who better than Donald Trump? They know it's coming. Conservative branded economics do better in the current economic paradigm we're living in, but the
So the collapse under Emperor Clitlery
I almost want to divide the final reason to not be fooled by the Trump Presidency into a fourth and fifth point, but I'm going to make it one and hope it makes sense to you.
Donald Trump represents what an American President should be: tall, strong, White, male, at least some appearance of a cultural conscience, and a patriot. The system wants you to get a taste of this one last time before that creepy reptile Robert Mueller and his partisan henchmen take your Donald Trump away from you. It's mainstream news now that there are databases of Trump supporters and "emboldened racists" that are being kept so when President Pence gets sworn in and the latest edition of the Trump reality show is over they are coming for you next.
All we wanted for such a long time was a President who was all of the aforementioned things. He also satisfied the appetite for a genuine outsider in the biggest way. We wanted someone like Kennedy or like Nixon. A real red-blooded American patriot who knew what the system was up to but ultimately met an abrupt end in one way or another. We wanted a real American as our President.
Now they're going to take him from you. They probably won't kill him because there is no way in the current "woke" climate that they'd be able to get away with that one. They don't want Alex Jones to double his subscribers. They also certainly do not want him to go down as a sympathetic figure.
So here is the takeaway here:
They WANTED Trump to be President. Not for the reason that you or I did, but because they
The internet is the opium of the masses. It's not new anymore. We're officially passed the "everything is on the internet, NOW." That time came and passed once grandma started using the iPad. The internet makes us complacent and gives us a soap box for us to blow off steam about how much we think Jews suck or how violent Negroids are. The internet keeps us from taking the direct action necessary to give a swift kick in the nuts to the political system that is destroying our people and our degenerating our culture. I'm afraid Donald Trump is the new opium, the opium of the White masses.