8 Ways to Ensure Your Daughter Won't Become a Mudshark
hand with a Negro who will ultimately abuse her emotionally, physically, financially or socially.
Then he will inherit grandchildren who do not remotely resemble him.
Here are some tips you as parents can use to hopefully ensure your daughter doesn't go the Nicole Brown path.
1. Do not allow television programs featuring interracial relationships or White men appearing inferior to "Negroe Knights."
The media loves picking the fit buck Negroes for commercials, television programs and other visual garbage and putting them next to weak, feminine and pathetic White men. They are trying to say "pick Terry Crews with his 8-pack and huge penis or this weak balding White guy."
2. Do not allow access to media like music and sports that features and glorifies Negroes.
Many of these "artists" have lyrics sexualizing White women including songs about White women giving Black men oral sex. The Jew also promotes the Negro as the super athlete who when he makes gets rewarded with a White blonde wife. How many White dates have drove their daughters to concerts of Negro hiphop and rap performers to be around Negro men grabbing at their crotch? Also, do not let your daughter idolize female pop stars who get down with coloreds.
They will ultimately try to emulate their behavior.
3. Do not allow your daughter to become overweight or have low self-esteem.
Male Negroes are predators for these type of White girls. It's well known that Negro men love overweight women. As far as they are concerned, more "cushion for the pushin'." What ends up happening is the overweight or low self-esteem White girl doesn't get any attention from the White guys so when the Negro who is just out for some ass pays her attention she falls in love and realizes that is all she can get. You then have a mudshark for life who will end up getting impregnated.
4. Do not allow your daughter to play sports that are similarly enjoyed by Negroes.
Time and time again, White females who are basketball players or cheerleaders are constantly around Negro men. Your White cheerleader daughter has to go and do routines with her pom-poms for the "Negro super athlete." Thus, much of their time will be surrounded by Negro men. The White girls watch the Black boys play and eventually end up spending their extracurricular time with them. Before you know it, she'll go from dribbling a ball to putting a Black penis up to her lips.
6. Do not allow your daughter to be friends with girls who have Negrophilia.
Here is what is going to happen if you do: These girls are ostracized by their parents. They get asked "but don't you like White guys, too?" Their parents just don't get it. But much like when your children are underperforming at school, they say "well, other people in the class failed that test too" to validate their own failure. White girls who are into Negro men do the same thing. They try to lure their friends into the lifestyle so they can say "well, Britney likes Black guys too so who cares?" It's the most elementary form of social peer pressure.
They are constantly trying to recruit their friends to their lifestyle.
7. Do not allow your daughter to feel White culture is bland compared to modern Negro culture.
"White boyz be bland" is what they will say. They'll say White men are not dominant enough because their songs are not as sexually suggestive or as interesting. Once Whiteness is seen as unoriginal or boring they will think the work of 50 Cents or one of the Kartrashian boyfriends is superior to that of Socrates, Nikola Tesla, or Thomas Edison. White women who have no respect for the hard work, ingenuity, and creativity of the White male culture will undoubtedly become mudsharks.
8. Don't push too much.
"You are not permitted to date Black boys" and obsessive reminders are only going to push your children to rebel against you. Gentle, consistent reminders will suffice. But making it constantly known how banned this type of behavior is will only make the forbidden fruit more desired, so to speak. Let them know once. Once the behavior starts to lead in that direction do what you can to gently influence their behavior and time spent away from going down this road and you should be just fine. Otherwise, ride them over it and expect to have grand kids who do not look like you.
What other tips do you recommend that I missed?
Let us know in the comment section below.
*From what I understand on Twitter, there is a movement to ensure all pro-Whites capitalize the "W" in "White" and thus my blogposts in the future will reflect that change. It makes sense.