5 Reasons The Killing of Michael Brown Was a Public Service

The Ferguson terrorists are at it again threatening to burn down more properties, batter police, and cause widespread chaos in order to spread their message: BLACK LIES MATTER and that only Negroes are allow to waste Negro thugs.
Here are the five ways that the killing of Michael Brown was a legal, social, economic, and moral public service:
1. He Now Won't Kill A White Person.
It's simple. Black males who "sing" "lyrics" about being a "nigga killer" are no good. Especially ones who have a paranoid reaction to drug use. Especially those who most probably deal drugs. Especially those who have an aggressive personality to the point that they'll nearly strangle a much smaller man over a dollar pack of marijuana wraps. This is the kind of profile that fits the kind of Ape terrorist who will murder a White person. One less fitting that profile is off the street after meeting his watermelon God in the sky.
2. The State Won't Have to Raise His Bastards.
3. Your Home Will Not Be Burglarized.
I personally feel that the Black Lies Matter movement did a great justice to honoring the memory of Michael Brown. There was no better way to honor his life and time on this Earth than to create a path of destruction and thievery. With ease, Brown bullied an Indian clerk who was trying to make a legitimate living. He would just have easily plowed his way through an elderly White woman's door to steal her belongings.
4. One Less Thug is On The Streets.
What about "quality of life?" Beyond statistics, beyond arrest reports, beyond victimization surveys there is an unquantifiable feeling you get deep in the pit of your stomach when you walk past someone like Mike Brown on the street. The glance out of the corner of your eye you give someone like Brown when you pass them on the street hoping that they aren't going to take your head off with a sucker punch that the Jew media calls a "game." Because of American Hero Darren Wilson exterminated Brown like the vermin that he is there is one less on the streets.
5. He and His Goons Won't Rape Your Daughter.
Mike Brown is the perfect example of a big fat disgusting Negro slob who would take advantage of your daughter to overpower them and "muh-dik" them. These creatures do not understand the meaning of the word "no" no matter how politely or impolitely you may put it. Their need for instant gratification would compel them either way, as we saw in the store surveillance footage. Rest assured people of Missouri or wherever the path of Brown was leading that one more potential future rapist is no more.
Darren Wilson's face should be carved into Mt. Rushmore.