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5/13/16 Mailbag Session on White Media & Protocols of Zion

Well, here we are again. I have a few free minutes after a jam-packed, busy day. Only one more e-mail has rolled in since I last published that blog on Monday or whatever it was. Here is what we have. On 5/11/16 Ryan writes... "Let me guess you believe in the protocols of the...

A Response to Dozens of E-mails: Advice/Perspectives/Mud People

Hey folks, Buster here. I started this blog last year as just a place to vent. I never really had much intention on maintaining it mostly because the pro-White wing out there is largely saturated with blogs, web forums, and podcasts. Most of which, by the way, are complete shit....

Open Letter: Dear Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro Mark Levin & Other Kikeservatives

Dear Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro & Other Kikeservatives We warned you this time was coming. The time where the obedient, tow-the-line base of the Republican Party would come out roaring. How we knew that was coming was unforeseen but the domination of Donald Trump opened that...