Open Letter: Dear Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro Mark Levin & Other Kikeservatives
Dear Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro & Other Kikeservatives
We warned you this time was coming.
The time where the obedient, tow-the-line base of the Republican Party would come out roaring. How we knew that was coming was unforeseen but the domination of Donald Trump opened that door for us and you can't seem to slam the door shut.
The definition of Conservatism has changed with the turning of a new year.
Abandoned are the Cohenservative foreign policy of carrying out the long term objectives in the Middle East of Israel. Gone are the days of the Communist Democrats getting what they want first and leaving us empty handed with an open border.
In the past lies the Ronald Reagan worship. No longer do we buy the "benchmark of conservatism" nonsense. The Alzheimer's actor and his policies of naming Ketchup a vegetable, granting Amnesty to Illegal Aliens, and allowing no-fault divorce laws that have made men the target of vindictive women.
Sure, people like Ben Shapiro were cool to a point. Bashing mentally disturbed transvestites on live television, dropping some truth on the wild Blacks in Ferguson, and even defending the right to keep and bear arms against foreigners. But it was your Yid Lid that trumped us in the end.
No longer will we allow you to define the parameters of what Conservatism is and what Conservatism is not. You can no longer say why Sarah Palin going rogue for Trump betrays Conservatism because you no longer control Conservatism. It's over. You've Kiked us long enough.
Mark, you hate Obama. You channel the natural regurgitation of White patriots having a Black communist run their birthright into the ground for the purposes of selling your books just like old Michael Weiner Savage. By the way Michael, why is it that every book is your last? But in the end you show your Yid Lid for Cruz because you can't be too certain Donald will send American boys to fight for Israel. You are the gate keepers of the Goyim slaughter farm.
Jonah, it's over. Your cute National Review tantrum was the death rattle of Cohenservatism. You got a nice few Shabbat Goy, of whom few are left, to stand for the principles of Ronald Reagan including big time sellouts and Christian Zionist pigs Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, Eric Erickson, and others.
The irony in it all is that your Jewish slander and libel is so transparent. You'd have us supporting Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio who are undoubtedly for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, giving our manufacturing jobs to China, Mexico and South Korea and our technology jobs to a bunch of imported dot-heads.
No longer will we allow you to use White consumerism to bring in record profits to Jewish owned businesses.
We completely see you for what you are now. You are the Jewish shepherds who herd their Goyim cattle within the parameters of semitical correctness. Your reliance on White Christian retards who worship the Jews and Israel more than they worship their own "savior" Jesus Christ.
Your knees shake together as you see those good old reliable goy wander off the slaughter farm and supporting the glorious future leader, Donald J. Trump.
You are merely the "right wing" counterpart of your Jewish rivals on the left who do the same thing to the destructive shvartzetum, young White soy diet communists and other various types brown people who don't speak English. Keep us in line you will not any longer. It's over.
Conservatism is ours now. It will be White, it will be moral, it will be for our interests. Your Second Amendment posturing and your "free enterprise" nonsense will neither be here nor there if we were to allow you vermin to continue steering the ship. But that was always a part of the plan, wasn't it?
The future will be for we the courageous White conservatives who are not afraid of being called names and our posterity as it was always intended to be.
Liberated White Goyim.
Trump 2016.
Hail Victory and DEATH to Cohenservatism.
We warned you this time was coming.
The time where the obedient, tow-the-line base of the Republican Party would come out roaring. How we knew that was coming was unforeseen but the domination of Donald Trump opened that door for us and you can't seem to slam the door shut.
The definition of Conservatism has changed with the turning of a new year.
Abandoned are the Cohenservative foreign policy of carrying out the long term objectives in the Middle East of Israel. Gone are the days of the Communist Democrats getting what they want first and leaving us empty handed with an open border.
In the past lies the Ronald Reagan worship. No longer do we buy the "benchmark of conservatism" nonsense. The Alzheimer's actor and his policies of naming Ketchup a vegetable, granting Amnesty to Illegal Aliens, and allowing no-fault divorce laws that have made men the target of vindictive women.
Sure, people like Ben Shapiro were cool to a point. Bashing mentally disturbed transvestites on live television, dropping some truth on the wild Blacks in Ferguson, and even defending the right to keep and bear arms against foreigners. But it was your Yid Lid that trumped us in the end.
No longer will we allow you to define the parameters of what Conservatism is and what Conservatism is not. You can no longer say why Sarah Palin going rogue for Trump betrays Conservatism because you no longer control Conservatism. It's over. You've Kiked us long enough.
Mark, you hate Obama. You channel the natural regurgitation of White patriots having a Black communist run their birthright into the ground for the purposes of selling your books just like old Michael Weiner Savage. By the way Michael, why is it that every book is your last? But in the end you show your Yid Lid for Cruz because you can't be too certain Donald will send American boys to fight for Israel. You are the gate keepers of the Goyim slaughter farm.
Jonah, it's over. Your cute National Review tantrum was the death rattle of Cohenservatism. You got a nice few Shabbat Goy, of whom few are left, to stand for the principles of Ronald Reagan including big time sellouts and Christian Zionist pigs Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, Eric Erickson, and others.
The irony in it all is that your Jewish slander and libel is so transparent. You'd have us supporting Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio who are undoubtedly for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, giving our manufacturing jobs to China, Mexico and South Korea and our technology jobs to a bunch of imported dot-heads.
No longer will we allow you to use White consumerism to bring in record profits to Jewish owned businesses.
We completely see you for what you are now. You are the Jewish shepherds who herd their Goyim cattle within the parameters of semitical correctness. Your reliance on White Christian retards who worship the Jews and Israel more than they worship their own "savior" Jesus Christ.
Your knees shake together as you see those good old reliable goy wander off the slaughter farm and supporting the glorious future leader, Donald J. Trump.
You are merely the "right wing" counterpart of your Jewish rivals on the left who do the same thing to the destructive shvartzetum, young White soy diet communists and other various types brown people who don't speak English. Keep us in line you will not any longer. It's over.
Conservatism is ours now. It will be White, it will be moral, it will be for our interests. Your Second Amendment posturing and your "free enterprise" nonsense will neither be here nor there if we were to allow you vermin to continue steering the ship. But that was always a part of the plan, wasn't it?
Liberated White Goyim.
Trump 2016.
Hail Victory and DEATH to Cohenservatism.