Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

This morning I woke up to interesting and unsurprising news: "White Girl Bleed A Lot" and "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry" author Colin Flaherty was banned from PC conforming and enforcing website YouTube. That is where today's story begins.
Briefly I'm going to take the opportunity...
Posted by
Buster Himen
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

World affairs.
No. Commentary. Needed.
Posted by
Buster Himen

Now that we have passed the one year anniversary of the morally and legally justifiable killing of "Big Mike" Michael Brown it is time for us to reflect on how the world is a better place.
The Ferguson terrorists are at it again threatening to burn down more properties, batter...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Friday, July 31, 2015

The most legendary comment of all time appeared on the internet following a smear article by the rapidly declining "Daily Caller" which now regularly posts about pop culture nonsense such as Bruce Jenner's mudshark daughter wearing a shirt that says "eat me out." No, I'm not making...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

On Wednesday July the 22nd MTV aired it's documentary "White People" created by homosexual illegal alien Jose Antonio Vargas, who by the way has admitted to using a false social security card.
The part of this whole nonsense that was important will be revealed at the end of this...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I recently came across an interesting bit of video that I believe truly ends the "racial superiority" debate. For far too long Whites have been afraid to say: "we're better than them, duh!" Instead, White weaklings say "well, I only want to pursue my own interests and they can...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Friday, July 24, 2015

Lets make this a short and simple blog on how the rat faced Jew ruined American icon, hero to many
Hulk Hogan.
First we must acknowledge who Gawker, a filth rat-faced Jew website. It has many wings including a gossip wing, a sports wing, and a technology wing amongst others.
Posted by
The White Revolutionary

It appears those who want to erase your childhood heros like Spiderman as a White heterosexual, Thor as a White god, and Superman along with a bunch of others have not targeted super famous former wrestler Hulk Hogan.
Its trending on Twitter and Facebook that Hulk Hogan allegedly...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary

Johnny the Drunk didn't inhale, though.
The term "Cuckservative" has blasted upon the scene of the alternative right wing circuit.
The term is a well needed one given the status of modern conservatism. There are those freaks in the Evangelical wing who are obsessed with legislating...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Not much to say here.
Posted by
Buster Himen

In the comments section of a recent article "10 Things That Would Instantly Happen If All Negroes Left America" we had a racial White knight female talking about her "African American" pals. I can only assume that she is one of those people that has a husband who enjoys wigging...
Posted by
Buster Himen
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"But like, not all Blacks are N*iggers! There are Black doctors, accountants, dentists, CEO's and so many other professions that are not your common street shit!"
Buh like, imma good apfrikin merinkin!
If you were given $10 every time you heard the quote above or something...
Posted by
Buster Himen

VeronicaJade20 is an "African American" (LMFAO) who likes to explain that the reason White
people resent political correctness so much is because it is zapping their "White Privilege" powers. You know, don't hit the almighty negroid right in the feels, they bruise easily...
Posted by
The White Revolutionary
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

It is well known by now that "Transgender Woman" Zoey Tur is facing possible criminal charges for "her" battering of and threats toward Ben Shapiro of Ben is one of those people who has a major thorn of logic in the side...
Posted by
Buster Himen

A butt-fucking (or perhaps a butt-fuckee in his case) homosexual named Jose Antonio Vargas who is
a bonafide illegal alien who has illegally falsified a social security card has teamed up with Jewish Viacom youth propaganda wing MTV to produce a documentary called "White People."